Example sentences of "which [pron] [verb] [adv] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The hon. and learned Gentleman will know that I recently had the privilege of giving the Sir George Bean memorial lecture in which I set out in some detail to the Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women the basis for my approach to such matters .
2 Here we are back to the ideas about roles and spheres which I discussed earlier in this chapter ( the work of Harding , Goodwin and so on ) .
3 On the one hand , ethnic minorities currently settled in Britain have been here for a relatively short period of time , and it seems that circumstances of migration and initial settlement are conditions under which support between siblings assumes greater significance than it might otherwise do — a point illustrated by the patterns of chain migration and of joint households which I discussed earlier in this chapter .
4 This material , which I include later in this chapter , reflects the Working Group 's basic assumptions , as I have described them in chapter 2 .
5 One possible reason for its comparative success , and one which I stumbled on in all innocence at that time , was that its subject and setting were limited .
6 In Paris you see street fashion — individualism , if you like — which you see less in other countries .
7 Solitude , darkness , or the horrible crowd which one sees always in such places as this never make me the least afraid … .
8 We share a vast depth of vulnerability which we cover up in different ways .
9 THERE IS a remarkable spirit of generosity afoot at the Yorkshire County Cricket Club , which we mention elsewhere in this issue .
10 Consider the example from Funnell ( 1983 ) which we gave earlier in this chapter , of a patient with Broca 's aphasia attempting to describe the scene shown in Figure 15 .
11 But how consistent is this view of the Phillips curve with Lipsey 's previous theoretical underpinning of the relation which we outlined earlier in this chapter ?
12 It interknits with that world of chances and mischances , improbable or absurd or grotesque or just neutrally happening as they do happen , which we meet everywhere in later Dostoevsky and specially in The Possessed .
13 The report envisaged units of approximately 40–60 beds which , although a development of the psychiatric service , should be located in the community which they serve preferably in close association with small geriatric hospitals and staffed mainly by nursing assistants with trained nurse supervision .
14 THE generally held belief that the marriage of Diana and Charles has broken down seems to depend on photographs of the couple on the few occasions on which they appear together in public .
15 Lawrie had 74 and McAllister a 75 in which he went out in 43 and returned in 32 .
16 And that this wealth was not locked in land or designated for heirs : it was fine fresh wealth coming into the great port of Liverpool by the month , by the week even , in the form of Ceylon tea , Indian jute , Irish coal — Mr Crump had an encyclopaedia of imports which he rattled off in diffident haste .
17 In the first chapter of his autobiography , we have an interesting record of this struggle , which he wrote down in English words but in Greek characters , in order that his thoughts erm should n't be accessible to his family .
18 Colworth was an Elizabethan house in origin , altered in the 1760s and again about 1810 : it became the principal residence of Magniac , who again extended the house , which he acquired outright in 1854 .
19 Between the bouts of keen pain a curious life took possession of his brain , a life in which kings and queens floated on the water and white-clad saracens rode up and down before a cage in which was a crowned lion , and then , suddenly , the cage was empty and the saracens were knights in armour and the water on which they rode was a mountain like a tree in which birds nested and which burst into flames and was the phoenix ; and somewhere was the Holy Grail for which he reached out in vain , and a jewelled sword , and a unicorn that spoke but said nothing .
20 A more general indication of his interests is given by the catalogue of his library , which he drew up in 1632 , when he had just moved house to Long Acre , Covent Garden .
21 At the same time Fastolf s attitude to the practicalities of war reflect a hardheadedness which was essentially of this world : the plan which he drew up in 1435 favouring a ‘ tough ’ approach to the war made little concession to romantic ideas of chivalry which would influence a knight 's conduct in war .
22 He also says that 386BSD is the basis of BSDI 's BSD/386 which he worked on in 1991 at CSRG initially under the financial sponsorship of UUNet Technologies .
23 Only a little smaller than Great Grey Owl , from which it differs chiefly in dark eyes , unlined facial disc , and no black patch on chin .
24 This group was later also able to buy Scott 's Post , which it closed down in 1957 .
25 I watched it float in slow motion towards the ceramic shower base , which it cracked neatly in two .
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