Example sentences of "which [be] [verb] [adv prt] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Psychologists theorizing about animal Umwelten need to ask what such inferences might be , what is the perceptual evidence in which the animal 's concepts are anchored , and what are the motor activities which test for them or which are carried out on the basis of conditional tests defined in terms of them .
2 He was now studying the crayoned pictures of the nativity by local children which were taped up on the pillars .
3 Amanda had been all enthusiastic even in the rain , saying it was spray in her face and look at the gulls , which were swooping down on the shoal of crisp packets and orange peel trailing in the wake .
4 The trend was illustrated by the new cemeteries , which were springing up on the cities ' fringes .
5 At first potential jurors were classified by ethnic group and caste , but after the 1840s they were assigned to one of three lists which were drawn up on the basis of language capability .
6 She used to make things that are now quite commonplace but which at the time seemed really exotic — fabulous cakes like kugelhopf and filled croissants which were wheeled in on a trolley for tea .
7 The mats are formed by a special cutting and macerating machine which harvests the grass and presses it into a five to ten millimetre layer which is placed back on the stubble .
8 The human rights issue is also a priority of the region 's animation programme , which is carried out on a voluntary basis by the officers .
9 It is important both in long term or " corporate " ( company wide ) planning , and in the budgetary planning and control process which is carried out on an annual basis .
10 The RAC is worried about a new system of fines introduced today , which is worked out on a person 's ability to pay .
11 The 1930s witnessed the emerging confrontation with Fascism in Europe , a struggle which was played out on the battlefields of Spain from 1936 to 1939 .
12 Then we fitted each tyre back on to the wheel which was clamped down on the tyring platform .
13 My problem is with blanketweed which was brought in on a lily plant .
14 A hand on the telephone receiver , she paused in the act of reading Florian and Nicky 's number which was jotted down on the pad beside it , and threw Luke a challenging glance .
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