Example sentences of "which [verb] to be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Initially , SEATS will replace the Company Bulletin Board service introduced in April 1992 to permit investors to display their buying and selling orders in securities which ceased to be traded on SEAQ because they did not have two marketmakers ( see ACCOUNTANCY , June , p 44 ) .
2 Among the structures which received attention at that meeting but which failed to be included in the final Charter was the creation of a pan-European Assembly .
3 This is an area only recently receiving attention , increasingly by using statistical tests for ‘ normalcy ’ : such studies should bring some objectivity to the assumptions which tend to be made at the moment about the character of individual or groups of hoards .
4 Hassocks , West Sussex-based distributor Hypersoft Ltd has added ICL Plc Cobol support , to its ‘ mainframe to micro ’ analysis tool , Application Browser : it 's a move designed to fill the gap in the market for analysis tools , which tend to be written for IBM Corp mainframes ; the combined use of ICL Cobol and embedded languages like IDMS removes the threat of syntax errors , so easing re-engineering and maintenance processes ; Application Browser runs under MS-DOS and costs £4,000 , the company said .
5 which tend to be written in every key other than the one we want them .
6 So there are three factors which may stop women getting as good value from credit as men : less awareness of credit costs , and of their rights ; credit-worthiness indicators ( such as employment and housing status ) which tend to be associated with unreliable payers and to be more common with women than with men ; and perhaps occasional outright discrimination .
7 We also found no effect on reported morbidity , though there was a suggestion that the prevalence of vomiting and refusal of food or breastmilk , both of which tend to be associated with severe episodes of illness , were lower in the supplemented children .
8 More positively , I was being given what I did not want ( which amounted to being given nothing ) and being classified as what I was not ( which amounted to being classified as nothing ) .
9 But it does so in a relativistic way which needs to be examined with care .
10 A point which needs to be emphasized about brief , shallow surveys of the types exemplified in the Philadelphia and Belfast research is that they are most rewarding when they are designed to solve quite specifiable and well-understood problems .
11 The purple passion fruits on sale in shops come from P. edulis , which needs to be grown in a greenhouse , as does the really spectacular scarlet P. coccinea .
12 Answer guide : In this case the business owes the bank money which needs to be repaid in the short term .
13 The final point which needs to be made about ethnicity is that as a speaker variable it can not usually be isolated from social class .
14 One further point which needs to be made at this stage concerns the question of ideology , class conflict , and class consciousness .
15 ‘ Bobby is a likeable kid with an angelic face but he has a streak of aggression which needs to be channelled in a legiti-mate way .
16 It must be recognised that there is another repository of values , language , which needs to be freed of male bias .
17 Thus we should only praise conduct which needs to be stimulated in this way , even though other ( perhaps more selfish ) conduct which will be done anyway is itself good or better .
18 A yawning gap exists in the supposed overlap of services between the home help and the nurse , which needs to be filled by a small army of ‘ hands-on ’ carers .
19 The other type of attachment relies upon a spring , which needs to be pressed in order to allow the loop of the collar to be secured .
20 Recall first the procedure which needs to be adopted in defining a phonological variable , of disregarding linguistic contexts which do not allow variation .
21 In historical studies the actual quotation from the appropriate Act of Parliament or the speech from Hansard or the letter from the collected correspondence may be the vital piece of information which needs to be placed in its right position to fill in a sort of jigsaw pattern which gives what can only be the one consistent answer .
22 The Church should now recognise the priority which needs to be given to music if the impoverishment of services is not going to continue .
23 The Commission therefore reiterates the absolute priority which needs to be given by the Church to its worship , and to the place of music within it .
24 The subject is one which needs to be brought to the attention of the Environment Committee and is something which the Council 's Environment Officer , once appointed , may wish to tackle on a corporate basis although one which can only be a token gesture since neither the use of peat or the peat land resource in Lothian are major issues .
25 The sole basis of the third defendant 's claim for contribution is the Civil Liability ( Contribution ) Act 1978 , of which the material provisions for present purposes are section 1(1) , which needs to be read in conjunction with section 6(1) , and section 2(1) and ( 2 ) .
26 It is the soul of man which needs to be dealt with to enable him to spend eternity with Christ , clothed in a new incorruptible body as explained by the Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 15 verses 35–58 .
27 Indeed one might well argue that unless this generation is able to distinguish between what has been the religious vehicle which has carried people 's love of God , and the love of God itself which needs to be interpreted in new ways , there may be scant hope for the future of religion in the west .
28 which needs to be deducted from the hundred and ten point two seven which gives you a re a possible alloca a possible amount of land to come forward in the structure plan period of seventy seven point six seven , off which to make the figures round properly you need to take another ten , for the retail element if that became I five land which could theoretically give you a figure of sixty seven point six seven .
29 — historical context which needs to be introduced in order to answer a question about a writer from an earlier period .
30 Erikson suggests that at different phases of life an individual faces a particular psycho-social problem which needs to be resolved before moving on to the next phase .
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