Example sentences of "which [verb] they [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Though Booth and Rowntree were wealthy industrialists , it was principally considerations of cost which led them to limit their study to the particular areas they did .
2 It is the poverty suffered by pensioners with disabilities which forces them to change their behaviour .
3 Having identified who has joined the church in the past year we need to know what were the main influences which caused them to make their decision .
4 Cacti have deep and spreading roots , store water in their stems , capture water from the air , have a reduced surface area , and practise a form of photosynthesis which requires them to open their stomata only at night ( see p. 95 ) .
5 Towards the shift 's close , ordinary policemen and women are generally reluctant to become involved in work which requires them to extend their duty , unless they need the overtime money , in which case it is a spur .
6 ( I doubt that men are reading magazines which counsel them to modify their style in order ‘ to communicate better with all the women in your life ’ ! )
7 We have no commercial or other relations with the Blues , but we supply the Reds with essential food which helps them maintain their war effort .
8 That is fundamental to the needs of our economy in the years ahead ; fundamental to the prospects for unemployed people ; and fundamental also to the creation of opportunities for our people not only to obtain work , to have and to hold down a job , but to obtain work and jobs which give them satisfaction , which are truly rewarding and which enable them to fulfil their potential to the greatest possible extent .
9 It had to be modified in 1961 when it became clear that a minority holding did not provide a certain defence against a determined takeover , but Whitbread continued to retain minority holdings in a number of regional brewers , which enabled them to retain their independence .
10 By so differentiating he described both the characteristics of his villagers and the typical gestures which enabled them to tell their tale ( see page 59 ) .
11 One quality Oxford possessed in abundance , though , was spirit , which enabled them to claw their way back .
12 For this faction , the term ‘ just war ’ has secular as well as religious appeal , an ambiguity which permits them to communicate their cause in direct fashion to left-wing British and right-wing American groups at one and the same time .
13 He said that cabinets and parties were coalitions ; groups of people with a common philosophy , providing ‘ a starting point in most discussions which enables them to work their way by dialogue through to agreement ’ .
14 However , these conceptualizations also derive from the biographical situation of policemen and women , which predisposes them to define their role in a certain way .
15 The exploited classes do not spontaneously generate ideologies which lead them to accept their lot .
16 Such enzymes do exist — they are known as reverse transcriptases — but they are generally believed to be exclusive to RNA viruses , which need them to transcribe their RNA genes into DNA for replication inside cells .
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