Example sentences of "which [verb] [vb pp] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Next the unrealized plan for a full-length novel , Confession , which got switched to the shod Notes from Underground .
2 Among the items saved was a portrait of Lord Liverpool by Sir Thomas Lawrence , which did not appear in the catalogue and which has gone to the National Portrait Gallery .
3 The problem of childcare is aggravated by the high divorce rate ( over 60% in Moscow and 33% elsewhere ) which has led to a large number of single parent families .
4 An employee package has been developed which has led to a large proportion of the authority 's employees being paid by automated direct credit through BACS .
5 Veronica Forrest-Thomson — a brilliant though unstable poet and critic , who died tragically young in 1975 — referred in a review to the work of Barthes , Foucault , and Derrida ‘ which has led to a literary revolution in France and will lead — at last — to revolution in our theory and practice of literature in this country . ’
6 He has been one of the very few Serbs to have the courage to speak out against the kind of fanatical Serbian nationalism which has led to the present war .
7 We will establish a new independent transport safety inspectorate within the health and safety legislation to improve the safety environment which has led to the terrible tragedies of recent years .
8 It is such loose , flaccid and irresponsible thinking which has led to the widespread use of the offensive term ’ joyriding ’ .
9 It is to be hoped that the interest in these patients , which has led to an impressive research effort and also the establishment of specialized clinical services , will continue despite the major economic strictures which now face the Health Service .
10 Is it fear of fictional artificiality or a puritanical distrust of pure pleasure which has led to an increasing relegation to the status of ‘ popular ’ and , by implication , ‘ inferior ’ literature of a genre which has myth and legend as its ancestors ?
11 These areas have apparently acquired an enhanced vitrinite reflectance which has led to an apparent overestimate of uplift .
12 In other words , an English bonanza which has contributed to the tragic decline of the salmon in so many Scottish rivers — and to the consequent decline in your economy — is to be allowed to wreak further , and possibly terminal , damage .
13 However , a number of United States courts have considered cases in which service has been effected by registered mail upon defendants in Japan , a state which has objected to the other modes of service listed in Article 10 but not to the use of the postal channel .
14 Thus in Europe , the mystical Kabbalism of Isaac Luria ( d. 1572 ) had a deep and enduring influence on the thought and spirituality of Jews which has persisted to the present day , even though it may seem far in spirit from the Talmud .
15 It is this ‘ reductionism ’ , this disavowal of complexity for the sake of pursuing moral certainties or political ideals , which has lead to the present crisis of antiracist education .
16 This was the cause of his deafness , which put paid to a planned career in the army and in politics .
17 ‘ It 's OUR H-Bomb ! ’ screamed the Daily Express headline after the British test at Christmas Island , which put paid to the still lively hope that the nuclear club would not extend beyond the two super-powers .
18 Text entry is not quite so simple and a little and time consuming , but it does allow for individual pieces of text to be attached to specific notes and symbols which stay attached to the correct notes even when you have edited a piece extensively .
19 Factors which emerged related to the dependent relationship between the father and his elderly mother , and to the long-standing unsatisfactory state of the couple 's marriage .
20 She appeared to experience a return of an old symptom in the form of fear of cancer — her father had died of a particularly virulent from of rectal cancer which had metastasised to the spinal cord and brain and she had periodically experienced intense fear that she would die similarly .
21 The applicants in the main proceedings observed in limine that ( a ) 36 of their 95 fishing vessels were part of the United Kingdom fleet during the period 1973 to 1978 ( the reference period for the allocation of the quotas which were introduced in January 1983 ) ; ( b ) 85 of those 95 vessels were registered and in use as British fishing vessels by January 1983 , and ( c ) of those 85 vessels , 42 had always been British flag vessels and 43 were ex-Spanish flag boats which had transferred to the British flag before 1983 .
22 It was an old sofa , but had been a good one in its day , made of soft leather which had worn to a comfortable softness .
23 Listing the institutions which had contributed to the lamentable performance of ‘ UK plc ’ , Morgan went on to lambast Oxford University ( ‘ dons caught in a timewarp ’ ) , the Church of England ( ‘ the enterprise culture is an alien concept to the established Church ’ ) , and Whitehall ( ‘ our vast body of state employees who do not have to worry where the next pay cheque is coming from ’ ) .
24 In a general election on April 20 the largest of the four main parties , the conservative pro-European Communities Independence Party ( IP ) , recovered the votes which had gone to a breakaway liberal Citizens ' Party ( CP ) in the April 1987 elections [ see pp. 35138-39 ] , giving it twice the representation of the next-largest party .
25 Poultry had benefited from efficient , low-cost , intensive production systems which had led to a prize competitive product .
26 The persistent importance of the group , which had led to a strong sense of communal identity since the Tokugawa period , could also produce schism within society .
27 The legislation followed the 1987 world stock market crash which had led to a controversial four-day closure of the Hong Kong stock exchange and the subsequent arrest of a number of officials on corruption charges [ see pp. 35742 ; 36764 ; and below ] .
28 The status and function of these courts came into question during one of the most critical of these enquiries , that presided over by Lord Wilberforce in 1972 into the dispute about miners ' pay which had led to a widespread stoppage of work .
29 A general rise in crime had also been reported since the beginning of the year , following an amnesty which had led to a large number of convicted offenders being released from prison [ see p. 37192 ] .
30 India 's deteriorating foreign exchange situation had forced the government to adopt drastic import curbs in March [ see p. 38151 ] , which had led to an immediate reduction in the import of manufacturing components and metals .
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