Example sentences of "as [subord] [pers pn] [verb] been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Peter Naulls and he , searching for the hole into the mine , had got as suntanned as if they had been on the kind of holiday they never had , on the beaches of Spain or Italy .
2 She stayed in Danzig five or six weeks , to her daughter-in-law 's horror and embarrassment , since she had her cryings and roarings ‘ as well as if she had been at home ’ .
3 But Lamprey had been as courteous as if she had been in her father 's drawing-room .
4 None of this mess was of her making , yet she was just as much a prisoner as if she had been in gaol like Clive .
5 Through the brushed cotton of her sweater she could feel the pressure of his fingers , his touch scorching her as surely as if it had been on her bare skin .
6 Both sexes were clad in essentially masculine garments which looked as though they had been in the family for generations : waxed jackets , sensible shoes , chunky pullovers , indestructible tweeds and cords .
7 Quite normal duties for a revenue cutter , but there was nothing normal about that particular week we spent in Ullapool at the end of which we all felt as though we had been through a wringer .
8 ‘ I look as though I 've been on the wrong end of a Gestapo interrogation .
9 I return haggardly , as though I have been in a street fight , grotty from rushing and weeping and random taxicabs .
10 An almost remarkable achievement , even though you feel as though you 've been in their bedroom before in a different life .
11 There was no effect on my mind at all , but my body felt as though it had been in the sun too long .
12 It looks as though it 's been in a few scrapes before . ’
13 She looked exceptionally well , glowing with health , almost as though she had been on holiday , which Liz knew she had not .
14 The iron grey , Tero , got by because her coat was almost black , but Maldita was so dazzlingly white , except for a sprinkling of rust-brown freckles on her belly , that she looked as though she 'd been through the car wash .
15 A vagrant was discovered yesterday in Linz , the skin on his face and hands severely burnt almost as though he had been in a fire .
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