Example sentences of "as [noun prp] [noun] [verb] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As Lisa Jardine has recently reminded us , in the obsession with dress and what it signified socially , we witness contemporary tensions and struggles between classes , between residual and emergent cultures , between the mercantile order and what it was actually ( or seemed to be ) replacing , between rank and wealth , between innate and fiscal value ( Still Harping , 141 — 2 , 1 50 ) .
2 A woman as socially assured as Alison Kraemer does n't get her knickers in a twist just because an acquaintance , however unsuitably married , asks her how she enjoyed the concert .
3 They are said to have explained that they were looking for the conductor to buy their tickets as Stonehouse station did not sell tickets at that time of night .
4 Li Yuan turned away , hearing the giggling that went on behind his back as Fei Yen went across to help her cousin .
5 Rovers Defender , Dave Higgins punched the ball out ; he was sent off for deliberate hand ball as Jim Magilton slammed home United 's second .
6 As Gregory Elliott has recently emphasized , although Althusser always presented himself as the figure of the rigours of orthodoxy against the eclecticism of the existentialists , in his own work he was just as catholic , allying Marxism with non-Marxist philosophy , even if it was a history of science to which , he claimed , ‘ French philosophy owes its renaissance in the last thirty years ’ .
7 As David Aers has skilfully shown , the merchant , the monk and the very language of the Shipman 's Tale do co-act at a general level to show a society where spiritual growth has been stunted , or rather deformed and directed away from an ideal moral and spiritual state .
8 MINI MARVEL Lyric Fantasy blitzed the big boys at York yesterday as Richard Hannon set out to win the trainer 's title in one hit .
9 She sought to ‘ pacify ’ Miss T. and did not think that there was any problem as Miss T. did not need a blood transfusion .
10 The problem was no longer , as Linda Nochlin had famously asked , ‘ Why are there no great women artists ? ’
11 Colleagues , if we believe in playing the full part in the European community then as Steven Hughes has just said we as a union must back the Maastricht Treaty .
12 Moreover , as Steven Lukes has persuasively argued , the idea of autonomy ( of which conscientious reflection is a crucial component ) is also intimately related to the idea of equal respect for persons .
13 Murphy wanted her to stay by the first fire of the autumn and be waiting there with the tea table , as Aunt Emily had always done ; but he knew , after just over two months of Alexandra 's rule , that it was pointless even to look his disapproval .
14 As Nanno Marinatos has perceptively argued ( 1987 ) , the common architectural features of the West Courts at Knossos , Phaistos and Mallia imply a use for harvest festivals .
15 As Kim Bailey does n't like making up his mind about where his horses run until the last minute , it 's been difficult to try for outside rides .
16 You heard that ching sound again as Frank Braden shifted around to face the ex-soldier .
17 As ESM equipment does not send out any signals of its own , an enemy does not know that its radar emissions have been detected .
18 As Dr O'Brien has recently pointed out , in effect British governments between 1714 and 1815 constructed a revenue system from component parts which enabled them to increase tax revenues per head from Europe 's most rapidly growing population much more successfully than the French from the end of the eighteenth century , despite having been less heavily taxed up to then .
19 Belinda thrilled at once to the beauty of it all , and knew that she would enjoy the opportunity of finding out more about where all these lovely things came from … if she took the job , she reminded herself hastily , just as Dr Russell had recently done , even while she suspected that the matter was a foregone conclusion .
20 Indeed , as Maxine Berg has well explained , a feature of those same closing decades which saw the first cotton mills was the spread of such manufactures .
21 Not only did Brown Owl go on living at Longreen and being their Brown Owl ; the Pack won an unexpected new friend in Sir George Phillips , who , when he heard how they had saved the plane 's pilot from disaster in the bog , suddenly turned out to be not ‘ crabby ’ at all , as Mr. Gordon had always made him out to be , but told them that they could use the Longreen Park meadow for just as long as they liked as a reward for their bravery .
22 But conversely ( as Mr. Utley did not feel able to dispute , although he did not formally concede the point ) a defendant who is legally aided at first instance and in the Court of Appeal , but who for any reason then ceases to be aided and incurs the full costs of successfully resisting an appeal to the House of Lords , is eligible to recover those costs from the board .
23 He was , as Maurice Saatchi had once pointed out , the most prolific Tory novelist since Benjamin Disraeli .
24 But , as Robert Frank has convincingly argued , there was also a substantive issue .
25 But these larger firms are already cutting down on the size of their student intake and , if the trend continues , will end up — as Grant Thornton has already done — recruiting and training only staff who are expected to make a career with the firm after qualifying .
26 In addition , two figures of saints from the Berenson collection will be brought into the study as Carlo Volpe has also connected them with the Valle Romita altarpiece .
27 There was little time to reflect on the implications as Prince Charles had already asked her to Balmoral for the weekend of the Braemar Games early in September .
28 There was only a handful of mourners at Gillamoor Church , as Uncle George had rarely gone out of the little dale .
29 I think I 'd like to start by making a few general points , er and then er it will be a matter for for others to be somewhat more specific , I I I think I can say that the issue of a new settlement of a new settlement in Greater York is is a fairly unique situation , because we have agreement between the development industry and the County Council , and that 's something of a rarity , but also we have mild support from the Department of the Environment , and as Mr Davis has already said , that is backed by public support .
30 Dr Ali smirked at Robert as Mr Mafouz went through to join the other parents .
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