Example sentences of "as [pers pn] had be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 " I had been off school since before my mum found out as I had been sick with gastric " flu .
2 Muriel held the broad shoulders and was surprised at the strangeness of the proximity , just as she had been surprised at the sight of Delia 's loosened hair some weeks before .
3 For the first four years of the new school 's existence the buildings were used much as they had been prior to amalgamation , but in 1974 organisation was rationalised to provide departmental areas with teaching rooms and adjacent resource bases .
4 There was no dispute in the proceedings before the judge , nor is there now , that the appellants were served with that notice of motion , as they had been earlier with the notice of the order made by the deputy judge .
5 Medical men had perforce to be botanists , and often gardeners as well , and in time medical knowledge came to be the perquisite of the European religious orders , as it had been that of the priests in the time of the Egyptian pharaohs .
6 It was important to Trent that he held to that word ; as it had been important to him never to use the term ‘ Loyalist ’ when speaking of or reporting on the Protestant terrorists in Northern Ireland .
7 This was n't supposed to happen — but then , nothing today had happened as it had been supposed to .
8 Steel-Maitland was running Central Office like a business enterprise , not in order to make a political point , but because it was as natural to him as it had been foreign to Percival Hughes .
9 His arthritis made it impossible for him to walk as he had been used to doing .
10 Geoffrey 's appointment was appropriate , as he had been assistant to the marshal in the Welsh war of 1282 .
11 He had returned earlier in the day and Maeve was as ecstatic to see him as he had been hungry for her .
12 En route , we passed a woodman baking potatoes and chestnuts on the ashes of a fire , as Jean-Claude had done , and a huge swarm of angry , iridescent flies hovering over a dead fox , as he had been accustomed to finding close at hand .
13 As he had been delirious on arrival , the authorities , knowing that his landlady , Mrs Avery , had been responsible for getting him into hospital , simply put down her name as next-of-kin .
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