Example sentences of "as [pers pn] have [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I enjoyed Richard who was a casual , almost brutal lover , his desire rising and spending itself as impatiently as mine , so that I did not have to suffer all that tedious , preliminary business of fondling and stroking , and I enjoyed my baby , which surprised me as I had not expected to .
2 This surprised me , as I had not thought of him as someone who would favour me , and in any case I presumed that he would support Willie Whitelaw .
3 ‘ I should n't think he wants to , ’ Perkin remarked as I had n't answered in a rush .
4 If they did n't get a move on , I would miss my gig and lose vital cash — as I had n't come in my own car , I was stranded .
5 It was a reworking of the same materials apropos Hungary as I had already seen in Prague apropos Czechoslovakia .
6 As I had never climbed in Borrowdale I left the selection to Sid .
7 I began to feel , as I had always felt with my aunts , that personal affairs were unimportant : we were only sticks in the great river of history that was sweeping us along .
8 When therefore I perceived that there were three species of liberty which are essential to the happiness of social life , religious , domestic and civil , and as I 've already written concerning the first , and the magistrates were strenuously active in obtaining the third , I determined to turn my attention to the second , or the domestic species .
9 As I 've already hinted at even with our products and products most of our customers today in fact are implementing departmental systems .
10 ‘ I can cope with even the most difficult calving case , as I 've already proved to quite a few doubtful farmers . ’
11 This is the great hall and I could spend easily as long as I 've already spent on on this hall but I wo n't .
12 And I , I 'm going to be working from behind Denise because you all need to see , but you would be working from the front as I 've already talked about , so you need your triangular bandage , alright , and there 's your long edge , and there 's your point as we call it , a sort of elbow shaped , think of that as elbow shaped because it always goes towards the injured elbow .
13 We can expect to speak in other tongues , as I 've already mentioned from Mark sixteen , Jesus said it would happen .
14 I 've spoken to Angela and Angela said , just alter the week numbers on the , on your P forty five , but as I 've just said to Neil if I do that , that is gon na throw it out for year end when I give you yo your green slip .
15 as far as the committee was concerned there is they 've taken a decision on the preferred route , but we did as I 've just referred to in the earlier work , er we did assess that erm and that showed again er that the traffic would n't transfer from the A sixty one onto a southern bypass and a inner northern relief road .
16 As I 've just proved to you .
17 ‘ I would n't know , ’ she said coolly , though her heart was making furious thunder inside her chest , ‘ as I 've never ridden in either vehicle .
18 As I have just explained to Mr Leland , I returned to my hotel from a dinner engagement and discovered the flowers I had earlier ordered to be delivered here for Nurse Dungarvan and Nurse Yates had , by some misdirection , been left at my hotel .
19 As I have already indicated in the discussion on personal care , there is strong evidence that children , almost always daughters , do provide substantial amounts of personal care in these circumstances .
20 As I have already indicated in the main text of this article , there are real users of high resolution page printers .
21 A : As I have already explained to your colleague from Aura , Mr Vansitart , I was a feminist of the socialist variety .
22 What happens there is that a ‘ really gay ’ reading of Coward is put into play , much as I have already done with Brief Encounter , but on the grounds that a homosexual writer can only write about homosexuality ( analogous cases would be the insistence that Edward Albee 's Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf is ‘ really ’ about a gay couple , or that Tennessee Williams 's Blanche Dubois is nothing but a transposed drag queen ) .
23 If there is a perceived market failure , we are prepared to act , as I have already shown by pointing out how much we spend .
24 As I have already infiltrated into the picture in so many ways , there is not too much to add .
25 Arousal , reward and punishment , as I have already suggested in relation to the interpretation of Ungar 's experiments , are associated with changes in the amounts of the opioids and other peptides in the brain and bloodstream ; so injecting the peptides , or drugs which interact with them , will alter behaviour , including the expression of memory .
26 I am not looking for , or expecting , sympathy , but as I have selflessly ridden through the valley of the Multivite Vegeburger/Singletons Valve Replacement League Division Three , I have taken abuse to the left of me and phlegm to the right .
27 Therefore , as I have frequently said in letters to Opposition Members and to my hon. Friends , we regard the support of students as the proper duty of the education system , rather than of the social security system , although there are exceptions that we support under the social security system .
28 He was now much more friendly and jaunty — " I am thinking of taking up dancing lessons again , " he told a reporter from the Daily Express , " as I have not danced at all for some years " .
29 As I have not heard from you since sending the Information memorandum on the above group .
30 Probably because it 's as close as I have ever come to seeing myself and my friends up on the screen .
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