Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [vb -s] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Taken from her monthly BBC Radio ‘ Woman 's Hour ’ series and culminating as she flies over for the opening night of ‘ 84 Charing Cross Road ’ .
2 She laughs and throws the duvet at me , and I sit back on the sofa-bed as she slips out into the hall .
3 Switch on and move the appropriate levers on the banks of controllers , and the children come running out of the house , little pink-cheeked creatures half an inch high , who turn to wave at Felicity as she comes out on the terrace to see them off to school .
4 And of course , ’ adds Myra , as she looks up at the lights on the hills where the Bakers live , ‘ Howard and Felicity . ’
5 As she stalks off into the night .
6 ‘ I 'll leave you with young Hot-to-Trotsky here , then , ’ Clare says , patting Yvonne on the shoulder and winking at me as she sidles off through the cheering crowd .
7 Hailed as the next Sophia Loren , the dark-eyed Italian is set to take the fashion world by storm as she steps out in the latest clothes by rainwear company Four Seasons .
8 Greet the interviewee as she/he comes in to the room .
9 Strolling , they pondered public education versus private schooling ; Johnson wondered why boys from England had been sent as far as Aberdeen to be educated , with ‘ so many good schools in England ’ , and they went back to the New Inn , to be joined there by Sir Alexander Gordon , an old friend of Johnson 's , who had sent a card in advance , and through Boswell we join their conversation as it drifts back to the stocking-making .
10 Oh it will change again as soon as it goes round to the , to the three four one again er y you do n't see it changing it but
11 Derived from the Indian reel , with extensions to allow the line to run free as it spools out with the ends spinning in the hands , the plastic reel is to be recommended .
12 The dusky pink body is heavily patterned with golden-yellow spotted scales , this spotting diminishes in prominence as it progresses down from the dorsal area to the belly of the fish .
13 This cobbled route is still a joy to follow ; the top half of it , as it curves down to the church and the river , lined with sober houses built from the local cocoa-coloured stone and dating from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries — datable precisely in some cases from the inscribed lintel stones ; then the church , seventeenth-century and disappointingly dull ; the old bridge over the Nive , which is the place to look up — and downstream , at the houses built along the banks with their projecting wooden galleries ; and then on towards the Porte d'Espagne , past the shops and more very decent old houses .
14 The confidential reports , leaked by the unions , were compiled by 15 internal ‘ taskforces ’ charged with considering the BBC 's prospects as it gears up for the public debate over renewing its royal charter in 1996 .
15 When knitting your samples did you notice that although the back bed was making the pattern , the design actually shows on the work facing you as it comes down between the beds ?
16 It has the speed , the stamina and the ability to think as it moves in for the kill and needs to out-think a twisting and turning rabbit .
17 The surf as it rolls in upon the beach ; sea ; wave ; a billow. 2 .
18 And he said , " Very well , I will bless your bottom as it sticks out of the hole .
19 If such measures lead to replacement of all today 's inefficient equipment as it wears out by the most efficient equipment now on the market , Sweden will need only 111 TWh of electricity in 2010 , rather than 140 TWh .
20 A spokesman for Rothmans , who have factories in Darlington and Spennymoor , said : ‘ We are a major employer in County Durham and it seemed natural to support the team as it sets off on a new challenge as a first-class county .
21 Then , as it grows up in a normal , average temperature , the hotter area of its body — its central trunk region — remains pale in colour , while its cooler extremities become gradually darker .
22 creating a polymer film at the air-tear interface which supports or drags a layer of water along with it as it spreads out over the ocular surface with each blink .
23 Perhaps the most telling of such echoes is that between the stallion 's ecstatic animal cry of " " wehee " " as it races off towards the mares ( 4066 ) and Alisons 's gleeful cry of " " tehee " " after making such a fool , in her way , of Absolon ( 3740 ) .
24 With his portable equipment — weapon , tool bag and hook and line — the weight , as he shuffles out of the ICP , is up to about 70 lb .
25 So this is how it 's going to be , thinks Howard , as he rides down in the lift again .
26 You close the door , take off your glasses because your vision is so distorted , and kick him in the head ; far too softly , then still not hard enough , as he scrabbles round on the floor , one hand at his crotch and the other at his head , making a spitting , wheezing noise .
27 THIS is intense ! ’ mutters Emilio Estevez , as he flies about in a glowing car .
28 As long as he keeps out of the washing machine , the vet says Pristine Priskin can expect a long and happy life .
29 That depressing truth is , alas , one that Mikhail Gorbachev still refuses to accept , as he stumbles around in a trap set by Lenin two-thirds of a century ago .
30 His face bearing the ruby-red signature of four sets of young Mambo princess lips , Antonio Banderas grins sheepishly as he stumbles out of a Beverly Hills hotel bedroom .
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