Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [was/were] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 My wife had determined that I must swop my old bike for a car after I told her of an encounter with an old pupil of mine as I was toiling up the hill by the power station in Haughton Road , Darlington .
2 As I was looking through the products of many well-known ‘ British ’ firms , I was disgusted to find all were made in countries like China , South Korea and Taiwan — anywhere but Britain !
3 So this is , what got me a bit suspicious right , well I speaking to her and all and I said , well you know , this is it and , you know she said she knows George is , is meant to be coming up and I said look and I says and I 'm gon na go down onto the floor here , and just as I was to go onto the floor there was a phone call right , and it was Alice .
4 As I was hovering near the sideboard again , straightening the china , there was a sudden commotion outside and the gardener burst in with Mrs Cartwright hot on his heels .
5 I can usually pick up a ball with one hand , but as I was laying over the ball , I had to use both hands to pick it up , and already a Cardiff forward was rushing down on me .
6 I met a Bulgarian as I was handing round the cheese dip .
7 As I was getting into the car I remembered about the Propamidine .
8 Just as I was fascinated with the reduction in inches from my own thighs when I first embarked on my special diet , I was equally interested to hear whether my trial team had benefited in the cellulite department and I included a question to this effect in my questionnaire .
9 The noise had an insistent quality — like a small animal gnawing away at something or gathering food and stopping every few minutes to listen , as hard as I was listening in the dark of Mr Marr 's house .
10 I could not see what had happened , as I was standing on the settee to reach into the tank ( on a bookcase ) and the Meth blue was n't helping either .
11 as I was going with the fourth year
12 All I can say is that someone hit me at about 40 or 50mph up the back as I was turning into the corner .
13 As I was wheeled past the linen cupboard with its shelf marked ‘ Shrouds ’ , the contents neatly folded , the bank nurse smiled .
14 My period of training took place as I was practising in the clinical area .
15 I couldent 's believe my eyes as I was shown into the delicatessen section .
16 ‘ As soon as I was introduced to the concept of the Dewhurst Tennis Academy , ’ said Mr Dick , ‘ and its sole directive to produce champions , I knew that I had to assist in this exciting initiative for British tennis ’
17 Sharp Samson are paying me more , not as much as I was offered by the others , but I 'm satisfied because more money does n't mean I 'll be faster or happier .
18 THE other day , as I was walking along the main street of a small town in Buckinghamshire , meditating , as so often , on time and chance , and in particular on the various chances which had combined to bring me there , I suddenly heard a loud crash , followed by urgent shouts and the desperate revving of a car .
19 One evening as I was walking through the village , I heard a voice coming from the gable end of a cottage , ‘ Bonsoir , Monsieur .
20 As a result , he once stopped his car as I was walking up the track in Monaco , opened his door and said , ‘ Hop in . ’
21 I kept a wary eye open for any of my old friends , in particular the goldsmith Waller , even as I was distracted by the sight of the apprentices throwing their caps in the air as they shouted for custom , pompous city officials in their fur-lined robes and , of course , those beauties of the night , the high-class courtesans in their satin dresses and flowery head veils .
22 As I was pulling on the worn satin slippers I thought of the new ones my sister had bought me for her wedding .
23 ‘ Each year seems to bring a new craze , anything but study ’ , he continued , as I was told of the ‘ talking about reform ’ craze in 1985 , before the student unrest ; that of democracy in 1986 ; falling in love in 1987 ; and in 1988 the preoccupation with ‘ doing business ’ .
24 And as a result of that David Phillips who as I was saying in the first half has proved himself to be a very valuable all-rounder already to Forest has slotted back in at centre back again and that Garry Crosby has come on as substitute and taken up his usual position and Phillips ' first half position on the right wing .
25 Well no , that was another thing more or less as I was coming out the door they 'd got the news thing on and this was Australia the new prime minister , I do n't know his name , he 's running down I did n't hear it properly but I heard the gist of it , erm and it
26 Just as you were shown round the Home when you first came to work there , so a new resident should also be taken round and made to feel welcome .
27 If you stepped out of line , then look out , but you quickly learned to do as you were told at the greatest possible speed .
28 She applied to Newcastle council for a grant as she was living in the Newcastle area .
29 ‘ Fred ’ as she was called on the circuit , played no less than 26 Federation and Wightman Cup rubbers for Britain , before directing her sporting talents , in a competitive sense , increasingly towards golf to which she had been introduced by her devoted husband Keith , himself a former leading British tennis junior .
30 ‘ Queenie ’ , as she was called in the family , was a doctor 's daughter who saw in Michael Joyce an eligible husband and the promise of a self-made man .
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