Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [vb mod] have be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This pension replaces your SERPS ; and the DHSS will assume that you are receiving at least as much as you would have been from them ( you might be , but you might receive much less — there are no guarantees ) .
2 Flighty as she might have been until then , Liza Tremayne was still a virgin .
3 The intense tropical heat was debilitating and Eva was n't as wise as she should have been about her health .
4 In a way I suppoise it was quite fortunate as we would have been without speed and wallace , who have now got a longer recovery period — as have all the other cripples that we 're carrying .
5 ‘ We have not been as good as we could have been in producing statistically valid trials . ’
6 The Ministry did tell us not to waste effort growing flowers , but somehow one always felt they were not quite as right as they might have been on that one .
7 They are not linked in other ways , as they might have been in the past , as in mining villages , by other common bonds of interests .
8 There are two types of proposition in Freud 's theory which are not always as clearly distinguished as they might have been in his writing .
9 ‘ A work must enact its own meaning ’ and ‘ Never trust the teller , trust the tale ’ — such Lawrentian tags , garbled as they may have been from the writings of the Master , could inspire and cheer the literate young of the 1940s .
10 They were no less repugnant to tens of thousands of men who had fought in the previous war , as they would have been to tens of thousands more who died in it .
11 Sitwell provides an extended description of the gardens as they would have been in Susanna Jennens 's lifetime , a summary of the more interesting volumes in the library , and a general inventory of the house from Dutch paintings to kitchen pewter .
12 In contrast to this static , theatrical production , during the last weekend of the 1988 York Festival the last four mystery plays were re-enacted as they would have been in the fifteenth century .
13 In my position , there was no difficulty in so doing ; for they accepted my reality , and I was as much a mythical creature in their world as they would have been in mine .
14 ‘ But I 'm convinced they wo n't be as confident about coming to Irvinestown as they would have been in previous seasons .
15 The same thing is seen in a more hesitant form on another boy ( fig. 71 ) , and here the very slight tilt and turn of the head are part of a change in the pose of the whole figure , as they must have been in the fair-haired boy also .
16 Despite the numbers of scientists involved , physical geographers have not perhaps been as prominent as they should have been in the investigation of the human impact upon soil systems .
17 Writing is made to seem a small betrayal , as it may have been in the life of Prentice 's Uncle Rory , who makes a prize-winning living as the author of travel books about ‘ unlikely destinations ’ and who is absent from the grandmother 's funeral where the story begins ( with a predictable bang ) .
18 My Troop — 10th Leith ( Balfour Melville ) — frequently marched with the rest of the Edinburgh District Scouts and I found the flag holster a great comfort — as it would have been to " Sister Anna " — since , in the song , she only had a " banner-carrying navel " as I recall .
19 Yet this admission was not so grievous for Tate as it would have been for others .
20 Nevertheless , it seems highly improbable that had it been pursued the ‘ revolutionary ’ alternative , deprived as it would have been of any significant outside help , would have proved any more successful .
21 It 's as near to the as it would have been from there
22 But it was not enough to give me a complex , not as it would have been in America .
23 It was soft , but as brisk and clear as it would have been in the middle of the day .
24 A reconstruction ( looking NW ) of the area of the Atlas works of Simpson , Maule & Nicholson , as it would have been in the 1860s .
25 In many industries , a strike in 1984 is almost as likely to result in fatalities , injuries , or destruction of property as it would have been in 1934 or even 1904 .
26 Sometimes the contrast is not so clearly expressed for us in the twentieth century as it would have been in the first century , so we have to rely on commentaries to point out the way that the apostle was thinking .
27 The restoration enables visitors to see it as it would have been in use in good running order but not ‘ as new ’ .
28 Both are drawn from archival and historical records and show the High Street as it would have been in 1540 , at the close of the last independent century of Scottish culture and accomplishment when 22 kings , queens and princes lay undisturbed and revered by pilgrims in the abbey .
29 This is not , as it might have been with such a tale , the cuckolded merchant , but rather Margery , the stupid wife , who is particularly funny because she is so unthinkingly conventionally good and who effaces any real self she may be imagined to have within a cluster of clichés .
30 Did this , he was asked yesterday , mean that the economy had not been managed as well as it might have been during the Thatcher years ?
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