Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [be] [verb] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I light a stick of sage and run through the flat with it , as I am told that it will dismember the evil spirits , like an exterminator murders termites and then removes them .
2 From outside it looked like a faded bell but within was a brilliant and sumptuous chamber of fiery gold adorned with most exquisite tapestry , and it moved me as much as I was moved when I saw the dome of the Blue Mosque at Isfahan , the most beautiful building I have ever seen .
3 As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted , you 're intelligent as well as beautiful .
4 Do n't feel so very goo as I 'm showering when I notice a discreet star-shaped brass plaque stuck on the tiles .
5 Just as I 'm wondering if I have time to nip across to silence it , there 's a burst of shouting that nearly jolts it off the table .
6 So long as yu is living an yu want eat food
7 But you 're given this very general instruction to begin with that yes we are returning to land reform and that the peasants are , are seizing land and this is what you should be supporting , and then when you come on to they , as you 're saying that they really are quite moderate .
8 As you were working and you run a business , I assumed you must leave him with a babyminder . ’
9 And as she was say as she was telling us this the door bell went .
10 In that marriage she was easily the dominant partner and Joe let her be partly because it is n't in his nature to be pushy or dominant but mainly due to the fact his father bullied his mother , as we are told and he is afraid of him doing this as well and so fails to protect Pip and tolerates Mrs Joe 's dominant character .
11 But the same time as we were hearing that we should be cutting back , the news was also full of adverts .
12 I immediately gestured to the Hurricanes to carry on to Malta by themselves as we were ditching and we turned for the coast ourselves , losing height all the way .
13 In these circumstances , as we were agreed that we had power to do so , we made an emergency order enabling her to be taken to and treated at a specialist hospital in London , notwithstanding the lack of consent on her part .
14 But I looked at Mother as they were kissing and she had seen all right .
15 and they had to they had to sit in rows and they had to do as they were told and they were n't allowed
16 Sometimes , she would stare at them as they were talking and they would grow smaller and smaller , like a genie going back into a lamp .
17 On the one hand it would be perfectly in order to write the biography of a poet as long as it is understood that it would be ‘ on a par with biographies of generals and inventors ’ ( Tomashevsky 1978 : 55 ) and was not mistaken for literary science .
18 It matters little whether there is much evidence of individualism creating achievement or loss so long as it is believed that it does .
19 An example of the first might be Mrs Thatcher , insofar as it is said that she dominated her Cabinets .
20 This is as much to keep other things from crowding in as it is to ensure that we pay attention to all that matters .
21 Men went down the main shaft and tried to clear it by shovelling the slurry into tubs which were then hauled to the surface but this was soon abandoned as it was realised that it would take weeks or months to clear a way through to the trapped men .
22 Yes you 're actually e sitting outside the original house , as it was built cos we had a room put on for the the back here originally .
23 He decided it would go as it was written while he proceeded with other matters .
24 It 's lying in the same direction as it was flying when it came down — north-east to south-west .
25 The fatalism of life at work was accepted just as it was believed that they could not help themselves or , indeed , be helped .
26 I mean if if I 'd done that this morning and I 'd written it all up before you came in and then said well what we 've done is this and then we did that and then we did that but as as it was generated as we discussed then then you were with me I hope at the way it went
27 The merged ‘ Norfolk and Suffolk Polled ’ could be any colour as long as it was polled and it was not until the Red Poll herdbook was formed in 1874 that the colour of the breed was formally agreed as red , preferably deep in colour , with a red udder ; white touches were permitted only in the tail switch , or on the udder and just in front of the udder on the inside flank .
28 He was taken into custody for his own protection … as it was learned that he 'd been disqualified from driving at the time of the crash .
29 and so it 's very much as he was thinking and it should be in the old testament really cos it was written you know , before Jesus
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