Example sentences of "as [adv] [conj] it have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Alexei remembered how Tulagai and Targoutai had fawned on Siban before Nogai had been elected Kha-Khan , and how they had voiced their support for Nogai , their own half-brother , as soon as it had become apparent that he had Burun 's vote .
2 In the congested space few bullets could have missed their mark and the slaughter would probably have continued but for the presence of mind of the officer in charge of the war drums , who ordered them to beat the signal for silence , when the madness ceased as soon as it had arisen .
3 Here , it is enough to note that the adoption , largely at Owen 's prompting , by the trade union movement of the strategic objective of organising manufacturing industry in industrial co-operatives , of adopting Co-operation for its own sake so as to make a revolutionary change in the constitutional structure of society , ended almost as soon as it had begun .
4 I can recall one memorable evening when we met in the Pathfinder Club just as soon as it had opened in the evening ; I was attached to the Air Ministry at the time and it was very soon after the war as we still wore uniform .
5 It was gone as soon as it had come and he re-established his public gaze .
6 Then as soon as it had come , his anger subsided and he smiled .
7 If he were to defeat a Labour government as soon as it had taken office , the Liberals would be accused of frivolity in precipitating an unnecessary election , especially if Labour contented itself with moderate policies as it intended to do .
8 It was over as soon as it had happened , and as he turned in panic he could see that in reality she was exactly as before … except that she was looking at him now in a way that was more detached , stepping back as if to observe whatever he was going to do next .
9 It is essential that a transmitter can be inactivated as soon as it has conveyed its message ; if it were not so , the system would be clogged or would receive needless repetitions of the same message .
10 The basic pruning principle , therefore , should be to remove wood as soon as it has flowered in order to dived energy into the production of good strong stems to carry the next year 's bloom .
11 Wood is pruned from a rambler as soon as it has flowered , to divert growth into strong new stems for the next year 's bloom .
12 Add the sugar and as soon as it has dissolved , set the liquid aside to cool a little .
13 It looks nothing when it is in pieces but as soon as it 's done and together , it looks nice .
14 That 's the end of the shipping forecast but just to remind you that Radio Four long wave in Northern Scotland , Orkney and Shetland is off the air as the bulkhead transmitter has been affected by the bad weather but as soon as it 's repaired we will repeat the shipping forecast for the areas affected that 'll be on long wave only and F M will continue with scheduled programmes .
15 As soon as it 's finished I 'll ring Joseph and get one .
16 Yeah it is , it 's going out and doing the business as well but it 's got ta have a lot more intellectual input er in you know in terms of having a having a greater insight into how a company works , how an airline operates , how the marketing department operates and so forth .
17 and it 's got as well and it 's got all these like
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