Example sentences of "as [adv] [conj] [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Both are perceived to have characteristics of femininity and lightness , as well as being felt as still and carrying associations of civilization .
2 I knitted him socks as well and slipped packets of Woodbines in with them .
3 A 3179G emulation will enable users to display 3179G graphics applications from an IBM host as well as using windows for current applications .
4 As well as using evidence of my own experiences , and those of other arts teachers with whom I work , I shall support my argument and conclusions with evidence from a small-scale research project , in which I explored the ways arts departments in four fairly typical secondary schools approached the problems of assessing and examining children 's performance in art , music and drama .
5 On the export side we have gained further new contracts during the year , as well as achieving growth in sales of our existing ranges .
6 This meant that there were few domestic circles , particularly among the poorer classes , a factor which tended to increase social and political instability , as well as provoking problems of housing .
7 The Object Management Group has published a reference model on object software design and analysis : it incorporates a survey on comparative object-based tools available on the market , as well as outlining guidelines for object software development .
8 As well as sending part of her income home , she had hoped eventually to be able to buy a car .
9 Now , meetings involve creating as well as discussing works of art .
10 As well as doodling plans for supersonic jets , it wants to build a new family of airliners .
11 This is a stimulating and rewarding read , providing insight into why and how a writer operates , as well as creating interest in Scottish and Irish poetry that is so often neglected by the English establishment .
12 However , I still have old close friendships as well as blossoming friendships amongst new women friends .
13 As well as causing annoyance by making hair and clothes smell unpleasant , involuntary smoke exposure can cause symptoms such as eye irritation , headache , cough , sore throat , dizziness and nausea and produces small but measurable changes in the air passages in the lungs of otherwise healthy adults .
14 As well as catching termites in this way chimpanzees have also been seen ‘ fishing ’ in the nests of bees to extract honey .
15 Discussions between P & M RO and individual managers will establish specialist departmental needs and specialist markets for advertising , promotion , and media contacts , as well as briefing managers on the services which can be provided .
16 My own personal experience of joke-telling sessions in the primary school classroom and of collecting jokes from children aged 5 – 12 , as well as composing jokes for this age-group , would find little difference in the kinds of jokes preferred by boys and girls ; although what appeals to children soon palls to adolescents .
17 We should choose to promote environmentally aware and responsible science — as well as to prioritise investment in environmental science itself .
18 A central database in Gaborone , Botswana , will hold information on tusks traded by the four countries , as well as setting quotas for ivory production .
19 As well as setting targets for the growth of money supply , it also gave targets for the PSBR as a percentage of GDP .
20 The newer types of school programs … make wide use of non-reading as well as reading materials in promoting learning …
21 As well as bringing girls into an industrial environment , this programme provides an opportunity for girls to see Signal and Telecommunications ‘ at work ’ .
22 Corporate design and familiarity are having an unprecedented , cohesive effect on society as well as bringing prosperity to the community . ’
23 The full time Welfare Officers of the Association represents individuals at War Pension Tribunals , and offer professional advice on legal matters and housing , as well as handling day to day welfare problems .
24 As well as handling distribution of UK and US books to Swiss bookshops and department stores Azed will by buying direct for the Azed kiosk chain , which includes the former Kiosk AG and Schmidt-Agence outlets .
25 As well as capturing Irwin from Elland Road , they picked up defender Andy Linighan for £45,000 and sold him on to Norwich for £350,000 — and they got an extra £150,000 when he moved to Arsenal for £1 million .
26 Beech claims that this aids fast readers skimming for meaning as well as helping learners with new words .
27 The house will need re-roofing , re-building of the rear wall as well as stitching cracks in the party wall and building in elbow ties between party wall and the new rear wall .
28 It might , for example , be helpful to offer several rival designs as well as siting alternatives for public discussion — as well , of course , as offering a " not at all " option .
29 Oil is easier to obtain and to transport , and it has the advantage of being more homogenous as well as containing hydrocarbons with a higher hydrogen to carbon ratio .
30 That grant is ring fenced , it can only be spent on community care defined elements , it includes the recognition that as well as buying care for people , you are for the first time , er , assessing people 's needs .
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