Example sentences of "as [pron] have [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All through the '70s I 'd wanted to be in a rock band and I ended up doing it and it was nothing like as exciting as I 'd imagined it from reading and listening to records .
2 This steered them away , as I had meant it to , and they talked for a while longer , then fell silent , enjoying the warmth and the view .
3 It was just as I had remembered it for over thirty years , it was just as it used to appear at least once a week at lunch in the Paris household where I spent two years of my youth with a greedy Norman family : two years of study interspersed with the most trying of family meals , endless and infinitely to be dreaded but for the blessed beauty of the food .
4 And then she 's written nearly as much in red ink on the back as I 've written it on black ink on
5 If I go , If I could just to , to bring go , right back to a point you made much earlier coming off is exactly as you 've described it for most people
6 So you do n't finish up with a battery that as soon as you 've used it for about a minute , that 's it ca n't get any more
7 Christine paused most meaningfully … ‘ she said as you had given it to her , sir .
8 Are you saying that greenfield development on the edge of York would be in the greenbelt as you have defined it in the deposited local plan .
9 And I think in the context of what P P G twelve says , it is right for this examination , to consider the proposal as you have presented it to us .
10 She was seized with a desire to feel his hand on her breast again , as she had felt it for a fleeting second months ago .
11 The ‘ magic ’ as she had called it in those exciting days when it had all begun , had become a curse .
12 ‘ Point Counter Point — Contrepoint as we had to call it in our rigid language — for the third time I might add . ’
13 This song appealed especially , as we had filched it from the Germans .
14 This new order accords with the logic of Marx 's thinking , as we have seen it in all the works we have discussed so far .
15 A second limitation of the Keynesian model as we have outlined it in this chapter is that it fails to take adequately into account the problem of inflation .
16 As we have portrayed it in Figure 1.1 , the whole process of the crisis on this account seems very mechanistic ( or positivistic : see Chapter 2 ) .
17 In ballet , the Mariinsky ( or the Kirov , as we have known it since 1935 ) has an almost unassailable reputation , with the choreography of Marius Petipa as one of its foundations — as we saw in the pas de deux from Le Corsaire , danced brilliantly and poetically by Elvira Tarasova and Igor Zelensky , and in Diana and Actaeon , which highlighted the virile athleticism of Farukh Ruzimatov .
18 To take one example , how will workers respond to the realization that the rate of inflation is not zero , as they had expected it to be , but is in fact positive ?
19 And she had a way of conjuring up places , in terms of their dimensions , that led those same children to explore their houses and fields blindfold ; the dark world that they discovered with their fingertips was new to them — but not frightening as they had supposed it to be .
20 The first great movement of the Holy Spirit was felt at a meeting held in Mr John Montgomery 's field in Edenderry where a young man was describing the work of God as he had seen it in Ballymena .
21 His reasons were all based on his search for Rectitudo in mind and will , as he had sought it for the past thirty years .
22 His arms around her , he began so gently that although McAllister was already feeling stifled , and the fear of men which had beset her for so long had begun to tighten its grip on her , she not only allowed him to kiss and fondle her face and neck , but let him undo her hair , so that it tumbled about her shoulders , as magnificent in its abandon as he had imagined it in the long nights when he had been unable to sleep .
23 Would such a person , watching Peter now , reading the prayers of Rite B in his level , pleasant voice , notice that resentment lay , like his blood , just under his skin , because the life he had chosen had not turned out as he had expected it to ?
24 It was unoccupied , as he had expected it to be .
25 The wedding-dress was in the faded green trunk , just as he 'd imagined it in the night .
26 Hamnett took the towpath ; insofar as he 'd considered it at all , the old fellow thought he must have returned the other way . ’
27 Hilton sums up the whole process as he has defined it in Book One through the two images of sin and Christ with a quotation from Galatians 4:19 : Scale 1 , then , maps the whole area of the contemplative life and shows it may be accessed through inner participation in the truth revealed at the Incarnation : Most of the book , however , is occupied with the effort to clarify the process by which the reformation to the likeness of Jesus in his manhood may be begun , the experience of this likeness in the reformed " " of the soul and how it leads to contemplation of the Godhead is not explored in any fullness although it is present as a stated goal .
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