Example sentences of "as [pron] [vb mod] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Because I find that er I can talk to people now , we chat away as I would in a pub , or in someone 's house but then this is the bit that worries me .
2 I ran away as fast as I could along the pavement .
3 ‘ If someone came and pinched my bum on the escalator I 'd k-i-c-k him as far as I could down the escalator , ’ Topaz responded with gusto .
4 I then severed the last piece of shaft as close as I could to the head , and again found nothing untoward .
5 And I walked as normally as I could into the playground , my private pain overcome for fear of discovery .
6 I watched the distant cloud from the explosion drift away over the firth , dispersing , then I turned and ran as fast as I could for the house .
7 So just at the last moment as the ladder began to sweep that way I just pushed as er hard as I could in the air , and the wardrobe flew up into the air in that direction , the ladder flew off in that direction , I flew off in this direction
8 ‘ I want to get as high as I am able to , and to contribute as much as I can to the team .
9 I run fast as I can at the window , but it still wo n't break .
10 So you make er you know we 've my I would have explained as much as I can on the phone exactly how we operate .
11 MH : I get over as soon as I can in the morning and work here all day .
12 ‘ I still enjoy scoring and I 'll try to do it as much as I can from the middle .
13 ( 3 ) Swing your right hand and arm down as you would during a downswing in golf .
14 You should look on your notes as you would on a stamp collection — small , frequent additions on the right pages and plenty of empty space for more in the same category .
15 Type in text as you would on a typewriter , but at the ends of lines do not tap Enter .
16 Any other PC equipped with Ultrafax can also send and receive files , as you would with a modem , which is a bonus .
17 That 's where you actually sign over er the management of your whole portfolio to another individual , as you would with a share portfolio with a bank .
18 Be as cautious with a dog as you would with a child .
19 In fact , sweet traitor , you clung to my hand as you would to a lover . ’
20 It 's rather like a Ford Granada ; you can buy the basic version or you can pay almost as much as you would for a Jaguar and get the Ghia version .
21 Cut out each letter of the phrase and hide them in or around the house and in other places , as you would for a scavenger hunt .
22 With the stake firmed in the hole , hold the tree up with a simple string loop , and plant it just as you would for a bush — except that , without the bud to go by , you will have to look carefully for the soil ‘ tide mark ’ where it was growing in the nursery and finish off to that height , with the standard stem about 1½–2 inches ( 4–5cm ) from the stake .
23 ( 2 ) Swing the club back as you would in a golf swing and then start to return to an imaginary ball .
24 and that it was er er obviously going to be a cost-effective exercise to do it there and then , and er you both er canvassed as many councillors as you could at the time , all the committee Chairmen were , were involved , I do n't see that you could have done any more in the circumstances .
25 Find out as much as you can about a job before you apply for it , and certainly before you have an interview .
26 Find out as much as you can about an item of equipment that you have at home ( eg stereo unit , electric mixer ) .
27 Find out as much as you can about the school .
28 Find out as much as you can about the firm you decide on .
29 — Be as precise as you can about the role the video recording is intended to have in the teaching programme .
30 Note that when you are acting for a seller of registered land ( unlike unregistered ) , the plan attached to the transfer must be signed by the seller alone , and not by the seller 's agent — not even by the seller 's conveyancer as you can for a buyer .
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