Example sentences of "as [pron] [vb past] her [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Becky did not flinch from the cold water but took a deep breath as I lowered her down beneath Our Lady 's statue .
2 Herta kept her head down as I helped her off with her coat .
3 Florence was moving from one foot to the other as she helped her off with the coat .
4 Lizzy was so far gone by this time that she just smiled at them as they took her out to the meat wagon .
5 The kiss went on forever , and she offered no resistance as he swung her up into his arms and dropped her gently on the bed , coming down with her .
6 Feeling hurt and bewildered , she looked away , then squealed in alarm as he swung her up into strong arms .
7 ‘ You 're a bit quiet , ’ said Meredith as he drove her back to Rose Cottage that evening .
8 With some wild , unplanned , unfocused idea of shaming him with feminine helplessness , she stayed mute as he drew her into his arms , and remained passive as he gathered her up to him .
9 She could feel the warm strength of his body against hers as he ushered her out of the cabin , one hand against her back as the lift doors opened .
10 Even as he carried her out of the lighted kitchen his lips continued to caress her and she was not in any way close to recovering as he placed her on her feet in her own room .
11 Billie heard the housekeeper ask Adam in the kitchen as he followed her through for a new packet of cigarettes .
12 ‘ At a loose end , Deveraugh ? ’ she queried disdainfully as he followed her out of the tent .
13 The sarcasm in her tone was not lost on David and he grimaced as he followed her out of the office .
14 All she later remembered was the strength of his hands on her shoulders as he forced her back against the bark of an apple tree and held her there , imprisoned .
15 A mixture of fear , at being touched by a man at all — and something else , quite different — swept through Sally-Anne so that she began to tremble as he walked her through to the parlour .
16 He glared at her as he dragged her along by the hand at top speed .
17 ‘ You know I ca n't , damn you , ’ she conceded anguishedly , appalled by her vulnerability as he drew her down into his arms .
18 ‘ Nico , ’ she 'd sigh , as he drew her down to the sand , ‘ my Nico . ’
19 Nicolo grinned as he drew her down beside him on a marble bench .
20 In Benedict 's glance , as he handed her up into his curricle , she recognised regret , and knew that he had fallen victim — like other men before him — to the curse she carried with her always .
21 ‘ I 'm not good at waiting , ’ she persisted stubbornly , as he handed her down from the cruiser .
22 As he put her back on her feet , George threw back his head and shouted at the top of his voice — ‘ Ya — ha !
23 ‘ Later , ’ he said positively as he pulled her back into his arms .
24 ‘ I have a taxi waiting , ’ he stated as he escorted her out of the hotel , explaining , ‘ It is not permitted to drink and drive at all in Czechoslovakia . ’
25 ‘ My cousin is something of a wine connoisseur , Mr Tyler , ’ said Miss Amy Hall as he escorted her in to dinner .
26 She was dizzy , intoxicated , unable to think straight as he pushed her back against the pillows , his body covering hers , her senses swimming with the urgent pressure of him between her naked thighs .
27 As he accompanied her out of the hospital and towards his car , it did not occur to Kate to ask how he knew where she was .
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