Example sentences of "as [pron] [vb past] [prep] [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 There was a look of betrayal in her small , moony eyes , and as I looked into them I could n't help feeling a sense of guilt .
2 Elegance was not a concept I associated with myself , nor with nuns , but as I thought about it I realised that Lili was right .
3 As I thought about it it seemed extraordinary that any man should endure such behaviour and still wish to marry the object of his desire .
4 And then he said I 'm always here and I do n't know whether he 's supposed to come down or what it is but as I said to him it 's a load of codswallop .
5 As I said to her we 've got two shelves of hardbacks in the alcove because I do think they furnish a room as the man said , but I would n't be on for lending them out because you do n't know the condition they 'd come back in .
6 I soon noticed myself rapidly approaching a fallen tree over the surface of the river and as I rushed towards it I clung on to it for dear life .
7 Behind me his body began to beat against the stern of the boat , and as I turned toward him I saw Rachel from the corner of my eye begin to clamber up from her seat and I called out to her to stay sitting and not to stand but she laughed lightly and tossed back her head and I felt Casey behind me clambering into the boat .
8 and that 's the way its it left we left it but of course as I mentioned to him we 'd completely omitted Tats which of course we we we had n't done Tats at all .
9 ‘ But why , Karim , especially as you pretended to me you were going off to take the damn exams .
10 She hurried back to the bed and snatched up her dressing-gown , and as she shrugged into it she saw the note that was carefully pinned to the pillow .
11 She must keep him away , keep fighting him , because as long as she fought with him she and Edmund were safe .
12 The entrance to her own flat was down one of the narrow corridors that led off from the rectangular landing , and as she stepped towards it she noticed with sudden uneasiness that one of the wall lights halfway down the corridor had gone , plunging the passageway into semi-darkness .
13 As she gazed at it she became embarrassed .
14 As she gaped at him he went on calmly , ‘ I told them you would be staying at the palazzo and asked them to have your luggage repacked and sent over here . ’
15 But as he did he saw two hooded crows scutter along the cliff face and sneak down upon her , calling threateningly , and as she turned to them he was astonished to see that she moved clumsily , uncertainly , not as an adult eagle should .
16 ‘ Yes , ’ said Jack , but as she turned to him she saw his face suddenly turn pale as he stared down at the factory .
17 This really is n't my day , she thought when , as she pushed at whoever it was , she was again caught off balance .
18 She tried frantically to struggle , but his strength was far greater than hers , and even as she pushed against him she was overwhelmed by a far more desperate need to hold him , to feel his strong body pressed against hers once more .
19 As we prayed for him it was clear that the Holy Spirit was touching him powerfully , and he began to speak in tongues for the first time .
20 So long as they believed in themselves they could make shift with constitutions and parliaments and dull republics .
21 As they swung past me I looked again at the SPs and my hear gave a thud .
22 Now what that does of course is close off the centre line and what found was that people who were positive communicators as they spoke to somebody they presented the centre line to them .
23 As he lunged for her she threw herself out of the way and looked desperately for a way out .
24 The door of No. 4 was open , the room empty ; No. 3 , the room his mother shared with Bunty Baird , was shut , and as he came to it he heard a sharp crack , a yelp and Bunty 's voice ‘ Oh shog off , you silly old fool , beat it ! ’
25 Despite the shock that he must have felt as he drove to what he expected to be his hangar on the morning after , he has shown himself to a man of warm priorities : ‘ People and their problems are more important than airplanes , ’ he has commented .
26 As he dropped beside her she said :
27 As he stared at her he knew that he had come to a crossroads , that if he gave in to her now he 'd have to give into her again and again and again .
28 As he stared at her he actually did feel as if he were in short pants , and he could n't find words to answer her .
29 As he leaned towards her she instinctively recoiled , colouring furiously as he smiled .
30 Even as he spoke to me I felt very uneasy .
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