Example sentences of "as [pron] [modal v] be [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Then you drop back into your usual slot but I tell you what if you go skiing and your not hundred percent fit or as fit as you can be from what I 've , what I 've read about it and that your gon na be in a right two and eight out there .
2 And then , when she looked at the high terrace with its pots of trailing geraniums , she could see nothing for the shadow was so intense — not the pale blob of a face or the movement of a hand — but she was suddenly as sure as she could be of anything that someone was standing there , looking down , waiting for them to get out of the car and watching them .
3 We shall need to be more flexible in the way we handle retirement , and as generous as we can be to what is fortunately a declining proportion of the retired — that is , those who rely entirely on their State pension .
4 As a couple , they appear as ‘ babes in the wood ’ , helpless and hopeless together as they would be on their own , beset by the awfulness of everyone else .
5 Ministers stopped the force contributing to this article , which suggests they are not as confident as they should be about its achievements .
6 ‘ Actually , hard as it may be for you to believe , I did come for a reason . ’
7 I suspect that for many young Germans it might be pretty meaningless , as it would be for their British or French contemporaries , who simply want to get on with their lives without having to attend to the doings of another generation .
8 She 'd had no chance even to tell David that her family would be at OBEX the following day , so it could be as much a shock for him seeing Jennifer as it would be for her sister .
9 So when my parent is handing out the parental investment , I will be selected to want the parent to give the investment to my sibling if the benefit is twice as great as it would be to myself .
10 The classroom that offers a pleasant and interesting environment for all the pupils working in it is likely to be well suited to the visually handicapped pupil as it will be to his fully sighted classmates .
11 Cardiff 's concern , as it will be for everyone else the All Blacks play in their seven matches in Wales , five in Ireland and one in England , is that the tourists match the mood of their public back home .
12 And her Gran was voicing her mother 's own words : ‘ The best thing you can do is to hang on , as grim as it will be for you , until she 's able to make a choice .
13 He was as sure as he could be of anything that Taheb was an ally to cultivate .
14 ‘ It will be mine soon ; I 'll have all of you … your every thought will be open to me , as mine will be to you .
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