Example sentences of "as [pron] [verb] it the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I was rather interested by the comparisons which you explained a little earlier in the evidence erm if you 've got an aircraft which is er going to replace , as I understand it the Jaguar and the Phantom which has already been retired , er against which you 've been comparing the F three er and the G R four of the tornados and the harriers , then er that gives rise in my mind to the possibility that this is an aircraft which might replace all of these , in which case will that have consequences for the still er publicly declared intention to order two hundred and fifty , might we order more for example ?
2 Now as I understand it the minister 's position is that he be bound to refer that matter to the partner responsible for audit and that partner er would then be put on notice that er he ought to report it to the relevant authority .
3 As I understand it the structure plan is based on an average density employment density of forty three .
4 er As I understand it the cost will be offset by the National Asthma Campaign .
5 As I understand it the Cleveland structure plan proposes the same number of dwellings for erm its next period which happens to be fourteen years , as it did for the last fourteen of the of the previous structure plan , fifteen thousand seven hundred .
6 Er but that 's er as I see it the role of the local plan in relation to policy such as E two .
7 Although as I see it the facts do not fit easily into the existing category of duress or of claims colore officii , they shade into them .
8 So just think of resistance as sort of something that stops the current , and as you increase it the current gets less .
9 Although even as she said it the thought rushed through her mind that that was exactly what she was doing now .
10 In West Yorkshire to the South we have similar problems of inner city decline and there as we understand it the authorities wish to cater for their housing needs .
11 As we examined it the man from behind the desk appeared soundlessly at our side .
12 He denies that there is a single professional-managerial class ( or as he calls it the service class ) , but instead he sees it as being split in two .
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