Example sentences of "as [pron] [verb] [pron] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As I finished my meal an entire flotilla of portly Bavarians waddled out , having consumed vast quantities of beer with their enormous meal .
2 As I left his office a young woman from a Polish theatre company came in to discuss with Welch the principles of controlling ‘ income streams ’ .
3 As soon as I loosened my grip the tiniest fraction — say to alter the angle of insertion from one that caused grievous bodily harm to one that was only very uncomfortable — the damned thing sprang into a new incarnation as a frisbee and shot across the room .
4 As you straighten your hand the band will jump from the first two fingers on to the third and fourth ones .
5 As she touched his skin a noise escaped from Edward , an exact match for what he felt .
6 As she reads her sons a bedtime story , she hopes a hearing at Oxford County Court tomorrow , will grant her more time to find a new home .
7 As she opened her door the telephone was ringing .
8 Maggie had no idea what it was and no notion of the time but as she opened her eyes every sense was alert .
9 As she opened her lips a little to defend herself he went on , ‘ Peter has n't told me much .
10 As soon as she closed her eyes a dark , austerely handsome face filled her mind , crowding out the last of her lingering fright , and when she eventually managed to get back to sleep it was to dream of Michele Lorenzo once more .
11 Lady Merchiston put out a hand and grasped his rough coat , soothing murmurs issuing from her as she gave her daughter a reproachful look .
12 In Titus 3:5 the Holy Spirit is said to be the one who not only regenerates us , but who renews us ; and this work of renewal of our natures from within is stressed in Romans 12:2 ( as we present our bodies a living sacrifice to God ) and in Colossians 3:10 .
13 As we finished our research the first woman Prime Minister headed the British Government .
14 Even as they gathered their evidence the defence committee members knew they had no power , only the hope of influence .
15 But as they made their getaway the gang crashed into a lorry , and then panicked hijacking four cars at gunpoint , and opening fire on police .
16 Florian praised her exuberantly as they retraced their steps a little later , having discussed the United States ' and Taiwan 's regulations and requirements concerning such exchange schemes .
17 He produced a box of matches , scraping one into flame and cupping his hand around it as he offered his companion a light .
18 As soon as he opened his eyes the child remembered , and his heart soared .
19 As he held her eyes a moment fingers of warmth spread through her .
20 She gazed into his face raptly as he described his clinic the day before at St Mary 's and passed on good wishes from Sister Concepta .
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