Example sentences of "that [noun sg] be [adv] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In so far as any one institution is responsible for this basic stage of child socialization — literally , making social — then that institution is more often than not in our society the nuclear family .
2 That stimulus is now past and , with European demand still torpid from recession , a period of rationalisation should surprise no-one .
3 When I commented on it , George said that that window was open always except in blizzards , eh ?
4 You do n't erm the other day I thought to myself I 'll walk up , see if that shop 's still there and by the time , you know er I was dreaming obviously , and I 'd walked by , I 'd got time actually , I was killing time so er I thought oh you silly I said er you 've still not er found out , so I went back and it is there but it 's not some , it 's not a shop
5 For that belief is not analytically or necessarily true ; no contradiction is implied by supposing it false .
6 If that man is out there and he is innocent then please would he come forward so that we can eliminate him from the inquiry
7 A sensible dog soon learns that barking is not enough and will attract his master 's attention in some other way .
8 But that life was over now and a new one lay ahead .
9 That matter is not really as we perceive it has been known to chemists and physicists for over 150 years , but despite Einstein 's demonstration , and that of other atomic scientists since , that matter and energy are interchangeable , we persist in our view that physical matter is solid and stable .
10 That objection was quite simply that the courts of this country have no power to make the order applied for .
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