Example sentences of "that [noun sg] [coord] [pron] [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 You ca n't contact the ‘ Bears ’ direct on that rig but they might just be able to pick up an emergency signal .
2 That is to say , the spin is either " up " or " down " with respect to that direction and it can never be a bit " sideways ' .
3 I do not doubt that Lord Coleridge fully understood the ratio of that case and he must therefore have considered that there were facts in the case before him which were comparable to those obtaining in Morgan v. Palmer , although the report does not suggest the existence of any such facts .
4 Let's suppose BA did get its foot in the City Airport 's door — they would obviously use some of their Heathrow 's landing slots and operate on that route but they would also want to fly to Birmingham , Glasgow , Manchester and perhaps Edinburgh .
5 ‘ Doncaster is nearest , ’ said Michael , ‘ but the signals are thicker on that side and we should never get through . ’
6 And they would have that meeting and they would maybe last , the meeting would maybe last a week you see , it was held in Glasgow .
7 I want to convey that meaning but I would rather not use that word .
8 The news will be in New York by that evening but it will never get into print .
9 That man and me can never meet , not on any terms . ’
10 I do n't remember any unusual faces that lunchtime and I would definitely have spotted a famous one like that . ’
11 Your investment will buy units in that fund and you will therefore have access to a far wider-ranging portfolio of investments than most individuals could realistically set up and manage on their own .
12 Their grants would be reinstated from that date and they will obviously graduate at the end of the appropriate term .
13 Well there 's York model railway exhibition that weekend but we could still see that and go away .
14 Nine months or a year 's time we may have a different animal working in that office and it may well be some person who has who does some J L O work to supplement John and does some project work , now er Jackie has indicated she 'd love to fill that role , and we all know what project she 'd want to be doing it , but er if we do put somebody in that role they will be project officer as well and on the wall will be a year planner and it 'll have things like crucial crew gala day and all these major major things and that particular officer will work quite closely with the new Pat and they 'll be able to take some of the weight off our shoulders so when we start planning for something like crucial crew you can delegate some of the work to the project officer and perhaps the other sergeant Now I know things do n't always work out quite that straightforwardly but you know the last year has been a bastard of a year for us in terms of sickness , four S L O's have been on long-term sick we 've lost Pat for all that time Jed was off for quite a while
15 Well er the I mean there has been a slight complexity with the replacement er programme of course because er er E F two thousand was originally envisaged that it would replace the phantoms er as as as as well as the jaguars and now that er has altered with the decision in options to er get rid of er the phantom squadrons , we 've er been able to adjust the replacement programme such that er the aircraft E F two thousand will replace er the erm er the jaguar and some of the F threes er and the programme will be adjusted such that we get er the most cost effective er mixture of replacement of those two types and there is no problem with keeping the jaguar going until that stage and it may well be it is , is being judged to be cheaper that we should er do some F three replacement at the same time , again partly for cost reasons because it 's gon na be more cost effective to do it that way .
16 Barbara never knew I was there , anyone could go in and out of that house and she would never notice .
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