Example sentences of "that [noun sg] [pers pn] was [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In their different ways both Tom and Emilia had alluded to the same experience ; and before that experience she was utterly virgin .
2 On that circuit I was vaguely conscious that there were more blue uniforms on the streets than normal , but then that was normal in the West End for the pre-Christmas rush .
3 Up to that point I was very happy .
4 On the second part , well nobody feels more strongly that I do about the problems of noise pollution and I agree entirely there er with what councillor has to say but may I remind members that this council did have a full service for a six months period , you all seem to have forgotten that , we did have a full service , an experimental one which ran for six months , er we were advised by the officers at the end of that period it was not necessary to run the full seven day a week service , it was not necessary we are still being advised that that is not necessary , that is the advice we were given at the last committee meeting and er the majority of members supported that .
5 In that moment she was n't sure if she could fling decorum to the wind and beg him to make love to her again , right there , standing up in the blackness of Ghar Hasan .
6 At that moment she was totally vulnerable .
7 Somehow at that moment he was very far from being just part of the furniture .
8 That night I was very happy .
9 That night I was really depressed .
10 That morning I was so ecstatic about my triumph in seducing the dog-owner 's daughter that I 'd completely forgotten about Jamila 's big decision .
11 When Topaz went to see Lord Lovat that week she was unusually silent .
12 It was an architecture which revived the style of Louis XIV and , with its classical basis , filled the gap left after the decline of neo-classicism , and yet unlike that style it was readily adaptable to the hotels , offices and other new building requirements of the nineteenth century .
13 That year I was nearly twenty-three .
14 At that stage he was as keen on growth as profits .
15 The baby on the way was all that the marriage had going for it , and even then , if Rachel was n't around , he had a roving eye , and sometimes more than an eye , although at that stage he was technically faithful , I think .
16 By that stage I was as keen on it as she was .
17 I saw it at its best , in April , when it was well above the third magnitude , and dominated the whole area ; at that stage it was strongly orange-red .
18 And at that stage it was too late to go down the rope so it was just instinct more than anything else that we just jumped over the side from where we were then .
19 At that time she was very breathless , was expectorating dirty coloured sputum and complaining of severe chest and shoulder pains .
20 We asked after Pop and were glad to hear that at that time he was still well .
21 At that time it was not necessary to produce a birth certificate in support of the application .
22 At that time it was very similar to the modern Devon in conformation and colour : Garrard 's engraving in 1800 showed a dark red Devon ox standing 152cm at the withers , but the bull was 135cm and the cow 119cm — similar to the ‘ Suffolk Polled ’ of the time but smaller than the Hereford and Sussex ( each about 142cm/130cm ) .
23 At that time it was very much more of a family firm than it is now .
24 I mean , I was one of those kids who never even saw a mirror until I was about thirteen , and by that time it was too late .
25 Mrs Thatcher 's last-minute play for the collection was in 1988 , but by that time it was too late : a contract had been signed with the Spanish government ( see interview with Baron Thyssen , p.6 ) , committing the collection to a ten-year loan in Madrid .
26 At that time I was more interested in making fireworks than in ghosts , and again through my father 's good offices , I was able to obtain both gunpowder , and materials for making Roman candle balls — dried more or less successfully at the back of the kitchen range .
27 At that time I was very young and very anti-aristo .
28 By that time I was very hungry , my arms were getting sore and my hands were red with gripping the spade and digging into the sand by themselves .
29 My mum used to pick my hair off the pillow while I was asleep so that I would n't see how much I was losing , and at that time I was too ill to get up and go and look in the mirror .
30 But above all , I needed something that at that time I was quite unable to put into words .
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