Example sentences of "that [modal v] be [art] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 That may be an exaggeration for polemical purposes , but pressures against career women were extreme in the Fifties , especially in America .
2 There must be money in it and that may be the reason for an attempt to fool the laboratory in its work with thermoluminescence .
3 That must be a matter for the local authorities .
4 Moreover we are not qualified to suggest any solutions to this problem — that must be a job for educationists .
5 ‘ But that should be no reason for grieving .
6 That 'll be a job for Tim wo n't it ?
7 anyway frank — is — wanted by Start on a new rental deal this spring so that might be an option for him — for his sake i hope the deal with albacete will come through — for my own and leeds i hope he will still stay at leeds — he is a great talent and clearly is a man for the future .
8 A good religious boarding-school , the curé announced : that might be the answer for now .
9 That 's right , that might be the answer for the braille press , for the school and
10 That 'd be a sight for sore eyes with that one .
11 That could be a recipe for stagnation and frustration ; but it could also be another way of emphasising the potential importance of curriculum managers intelligent enough to give scope to individuals and to exploit the coming confusions .
12 And we also had a fear that , with different disciplines and different dioceses and parishes , that could be a recipe for chaos and confusion .
13 That could be a matter for debate , ’ she said with curt emphasis , watching him prowl up and down like a shark testing the boundaries of a tank .
14 It was suggested sotto voce that that could be a matter for our grandchildren .
15 That would be a surprise for your da , would n't it ?
16 That would be a subject for discussion in their house tonight , a scene , no less , at the bus stop with the Hogan family of all people .
17 I might be replaced by an old-fashioned advocate of Latinate grammar , and that would be a disaster for the schools .
18 That would be a disaster for the rest of the country .
19 The council say that would be a disaster for race relations .
20 Asked whether , if the Tories lost the vote , the Queen would call for Mr Kinnock to form a government , Mr Heseltine said : ‘ That would be a matter for the Royal prerogative . ’
21 They were straying back into the realms of evidence , and that would be a matter for the court when the Proof was heard .
22 erm , where I set out my interpretation of what that means , and I do n't think it 's very helpful to read that out to you , but I think you will find that it 's er erm a very broad er description of what the new settlement should be seeking to achieve , now Mr erm I think has misunderstood our position on this question of erm the appropriate size for the new settlement , and I think if I 'm correct he suggested that we were promoting a a size of fourteen hundred , the point I think I would make is that the larger the new settlement erm the greater the range and the quality of services and facilities that can be provided , and I think you have to distinguish between what developers say they are prepared to provide , on the one hand in a new settlement , whatever the size , the quality of the retail or recreational social facility that occupies that physical provision , and also its long term viability , and I would suggest that a larger new settlement of the size that we are suggesting , is much more likely to er attract a range of quality providers of services and facilities than a smaller new settlement , and also Mr Grantham er raised the issue of the question of the development program , and what might be expected in terms of services and erm during the development program , and of course I think that would be a matter for any specific proposal , or a ma a matter of discussion between the local planning authority concerned and the developer , and I would expect it to be something erm that was included within a section one O six agreement .
23 ‘ Choose to think that would be a reason for sending old Jack into the next world if you like , ’ she said .
24 That would be a job for the Metropolitan Police Laboratory when the mallet , carefully packed and with two identifying exhibit tags instead of one , reached the Biology Department later in the day .
25 Moreover , we may point out that even if corresponding attributive and predicative adjectives ( occurring with the same noun ) could be relied on to share the same referential locus , that would be no justification for leaping to an assertion that the two elements are actually " the same " tout court , and even less for claiming that the structural positions they occupy are alternative forms of each other .
26 I lay down in my boat , sure that when we reached the rough , open water , that would be the end for me .
27 Assuming no last-minute collapse , that will be a triumph for Peter Brooke , the Northern Ireland secretary .
28 Perhaps that will be a thought for people who foolishly keep money under the mattress or in a jam jar .
29 Though that will be a charge for elderly people attending Day Centres for elderly people , mentally handicapped people erm disabled people and so on .
30 But that will be a matter for the courts of [ Australia ] .
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