Example sentences of "that [noun] of [adj] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It is a provincial book , written from the heart and soul of the other Scotland , that bit of forgotten countryside where pies outnumber the fans .
2 He 'd had to go through that wrench of premature separation alone ; now I had to .
3 You have to say something like ‘ God was always there ’ , and if you allow yourself that kind of lazy way out , you might as well just say ‘ DNA was always there ’ , or ‘ Life was always there ’ , and be done with it .
4 So we 're not saying that every time somebody dreams about an umbrella it means erm that , wh what he was saying is er that kind of visual symbolism often does stand for in this case erm the male genital , but it need not .
5 That crust of yellow butter so important to the true English potted meats and pastes as opposed to the Franglais and the factory-produced versions , does perhaps need a little more explanation than the late Major Connolly , who refers to it throughout his little work as " melted butter " , thought necessary to clarify .
6 There was that ring of utter confidence again — completely unfounded .
7 Lord Donaldson MR said at p 609 that dissemination of confidential information knowingly in breach of the plaintiff 's right can not undermine the right itself : it can however affect the remedies available to the plaintiff especially regarding the appropriateness of injunctive relief .
8 And as I looked back , into that zone of lesser darkness there silently drifted a dense moving shadow .
9 How was that mood of optimistic euphoria so rapidly smashed ?
10 But I 've left that sort of civil liberty out of this motion today , because we ca n't deal with all the , because we ca n't deal with everything all at once , but perhaps it can be tou touched at council , because we had Colonel , who also does n't like to be confused with the facts , trying to tell us that next year the , or the year after next , budgets will be cash limited , but I 've got news , they already are cash limited .
11 They used to but they do n't any more they 've taken all that sort of brilliant stuff away .
12 There have to be , there are particular reasons why er after revolutionary upheavals you very often get authoritarian forms of government and I would say in Russia and i i in a sense it 's linked with Harold 's question as well about erm the Chinese following a Stalinist model of economic reconstruction think what you 've actually got in Russia is not this sort of mass hankering after authoritarianism but you 've got a situation where the bureaucracy that controls a completely devastated , backward economy , which is what they 've actually got in the early nineteen twenties , where the working class democracy has just disappeared really with , with the , with the economic collapse , with the factories shutting down , with all of the old communist party militants going into the Red Army or getting sucked into the state bureaucracy with that sort of complete collapse really , economically and socially and politically , you 've got a situation where the central priority of the leadership is to build up Russian industry as quickly as possible so that Russia has got the armed forces it needs
13 ‘ It 's that sort of sexual feeling really because you are on a fantastic high and you feel as though you could do anything .
14 And if the State denies us that right of individual choice then , although it might shower us with gifts , it is robbing us of our deepest , profoundest freedom , that upon which all other freedoms depend , and so the State , any State , which denies God 's ultimate gift must be opposed . ’
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