Example sentences of "as long as [pers pn] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 These males are still in their bright nuptial plumage and as long as they retain it they maintain the high levels of vigilance observed when accompanying their females .
2 Our dad says he does n't mind what people eat , as long as they eat it all .
3 Workers rationally support capitalism as long as they believe it best advances their material interests , and they are always likely to do so , given the costs of the transition to socialism .
4 Whether they 're first or last in this race … or in future life … it does n't matter to Kriss , as long as they give it their very best .
5 ‘ The fact remains ’ , she wrote , ‘ that differences in status exist , and as long as they exist it is practically impossible , since the lives of children can not be separated from those of their parents , to secure to all children a uniform standard of living ’ ( Rathbone , 1949 , p. 233 ) .
6 Often they see their profession as a creative art form , which is fine as long as they recall it is also a service industry . ’
7 But … but , as Mama said , as long as we kept it clean and it was only for a short time …
8 We may die and no one here will worry too much — as long as we do it according to the rules ! ’
9 ‘ Yes , as long as it thinks it controls .
10 Apparently as long as I get it on a P C disk , five inch
11 Looking for two points not many can do at meetings as long as you pass it up there 's two points , two important points that we have n't talked about so far and there in the reasons why we do it they 're in there somewhere .
12 ‘ It 's all kegs nowadays , so as long as you keep it fairly cool , it comes up smiling . ’
13 Tha , as long as you keep it
14 As long as you remove it properly and moisturise and tone your skin , it 's the very best way of preserving it .
15 It 's alright as long as you eat it
16 If you 're a C D O at Trent and you know you 're gon na go out on patrol as a special that night , there 's no doubt Trevor will let you take a radio home with you , as long as you bring it back the next day .
17 ‘ Well as long as you enjoyed it , ’ he said — as if he had n't , at all — but he looked pleased , all the same .
18 As long as you wrap it .
19 Ooh twelve months like that , as long as you get it dried properly at first you see .
20 We did occasionally get the flies blowing them like , you know , but as long as you get it , got it in time and cut it down and cut it up straight away it was all right like .
21 as long as you get it yourself
22 If your letter is not delivered on the first working day after your posted it — as long as you posted it in time to get there — then we automatically refund your fee .
23 As long as you have it , you 'll never be free of me , ’ Travis declared with absolute certainty .
24 It 's the basic principle of presentation : almost anything works well as long as you do it deliberately and explain it clearly and pleasantly , and make it interesting .
25 That 's fine as long as you do it deliberately and not by default .
26 Perhaps you could go for a walk each day ( with or without a dog ) ; you could go swimming or ride a bicycle — it does n't really matter what you do as long as you do it regularly .
27 " You can get a search warrant if you like , as long as you do it discreetly and nobody else knows about it .
28 You get away , as long as you do it neatly you 're usually alright .
29 There 's nothing wrong with a bun as long as you decorate it with a hair accessory .
30 In fact , you can reveal all — your idiotic fears , your justifiable fears , your worst-case fantasies — as long as you say it right .
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