Example sentences of "as well [conj] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nine months or a year 's time we may have a different animal working in that office and it may well be some person who has who does some J L O work to supplement John and does some project work , now er Jackie has indicated she 'd love to fill that role , and we all know what project she 'd want to be doing it , but er if we do put somebody in that role they will be project officer as well and on the wall will be a year planner and it 'll have things like crucial crew gala day and all these major major things and that particular officer will work quite closely with the new Pat and they 'll be able to take some of the weight off our shoulders so when we start planning for something like crucial crew you can delegate some of the work to the project officer and perhaps the other sergeant Now I know things do n't always work out quite that straightforwardly but you know the last year has been a bastard of a year for us in terms of sickness , four S L O's have been on long-term sick we 've lost Pat for all that time Jed was off for quite a while
2 We need two million pounds more from the corporation er , and obviously we will be making that our first priority for investing into Essex er , and to obviously erm as Paul said er you 're prepared to make that a priority as well and through the housing corporation .
3 If it is to be profitable on the Hong Kong to Macau route , a craft has to operate in darkness as well as during the day .
4 I can well believe that at home I was going through some such process for many years before I became anorexic , as well as during the course of the disease itself .
5 In the seven major countries the only periods of majority left governments between 1950 and 1973 were those of Wilson in the United Kingdom ( 1964–70 ) and Brandt in Germany ( 1970–3 ) , yet spending on welfare rose under Macmillan , Adenauer , de Gaulle , under both Nixon and Kennedy , as well as under a succession of Italian and to some extent even Japanese prime ministers of the right .
6 If the contract is cancellable under the Consumer Credit Act as well as under the Regulations , it is only the provisions of the former with which he must comply — i.e. provisions as to giving the customer notice of his cancellation rights .
7 An innkeeper , as we have seen , is under a duty to provide reasonable refreshment if so required and accommodation to a traveller ; hence , the innkeeper has a right of lien over a traveller 's property as well as over a guests ' to ensure that the traveller 's bill is duly paid .
8 As well as over a bath , a shower can be fitted into a purpose-made cubicle ( which sometimes comes with the shower valve already fitted ) , or into a combination of side screens , shower doors and partition walls .
9 It also said it will market versions of Visualisation Data Explorer software for Hewlett-Packard Co , Sun Microsystems Inc and Silicon Graphics Inc workstations as well as for the RS/6000 , and will run stand-alone on the alien workstations as well as over a network accessing the server .
10 But the reflection is likely to be more interesting and more challenging if the activity looks forward as well as over the shoulder , as it were .
11 The colour is black with well-defined markings of a rich , red-brown colour on the cheeks , muzzle , chest and legs , as well as over the eyes and under the tail .
12 Moreover — and more to the point — if as literary intellectuals we feel frustrated at having no channel of access to the figures who exercise decision-making power in our societies , Mrs Lowndes shows us a society in which literary intelligence had direct access to such centres of power , by way of the conjugal bed as well as over the dinner table .
13 It was equally a battle over the new technology , as well as over the future of book printing in Edinburgh .
14 Smythson stayed on in the service of the Willoughby family , and was employed by them on administrative and financial business , as well as as a surveyor .
15 In every house in the Rante , as well as at every animist site throughout the valley , numerous puzzling little rituals were taking place — all of which had to be successfully completed , apparently , before the final " star-launching " could proceed .
16 The rules contain no provision about standing at the hearing stage , but the basic test of sufficient interest appears to apply at the hearing stage as well as at the leave stage .
17 In future it is hoped that information will be posted at the nearest car parks , as well as at the crag , allowing for a change of plan before walking to the climbs !
18 Thereafter , the long-term future of the game could be resolved by a 10-10-10-10 formula which would stimulate interest at the lower end of the league as well as at the top .
19 Oystercatchers are rarely noted away from the coast , but have been recorded on occasions on flooded levels as well as at the reservoirs .
20 The milder range in fact serves not to challenge but to define the limits of propriety ; they set a horizon beyond which " improper " linguistic use will not go , and the audience can laugh with relief at the reassurance that they will not be shocked , as well as at the impudence of these terms .
21 Director Tay Garnett took Beery aside and pointed out that Rooney was loved by everyone on the set as well as at the studio , and it would be ‘ most unfortunate if someone decided to part your hair with a sun arc .
22 Halmo Sports of Camberley ( ) , which offers the prestigious Plexipave and Plexicushion type of acrylic surfaces , have also laid courts at Bisham Abbey , as well as at the Nottingham Tennis Centre , Sunderland and Batchwood ITI Centres , and Centrecourt Hotel and Tennis Centre .
23 He has one fitted here as well as at the office , so he need never be in doubt about agreements he reaches or deals he makes .
24 He had always seen them somewhere in the medical field as well as on a rugby pitch .
25 A problem may be set on a statute as well as on a case .
26 Ede was no innovator , and the Bill was regarded as something of a disappointment by some of his Party colleagues , in the Cabinet as well as on the backbenches .
27 Perhaps it would be wiser to concentrate research on the development of non-invasive biological markers to distinguish rapidly progressive from slowly progressive tumours as well as on the development of less invasive ( for example , endocrine ) treatment .
28 Exactly how much less is impossible to state accurately as it depends on the rate of rainfall and consequent flows in different parts of the catchment , as well as on the water levels in the dams .
29 These forecasts should consider the effects of each option on the revenue as well as on the capital costs of the completed project .
30 The impact speed depends on the mass of the planet as well as on the orbit of the body .
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