Example sentences of "as she [verb] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Tessa , a keen machine knitter , was a little nervous as she had just moved from the South and was conscious of the supposed North/South divide but she found the warmest welcome .
2 She had never ridden a horse and , as she had always lived in the city , the opportunity to wander through native bush had never come her way .
3 She would just have to cling to her professional integrity as she had done for fifty years , and she would , as she had always tried to , make that sufficient .
4 Anthony introduced Comfort , who immediately started talking in fluent , fast Italian , which made Julia feel as inadequate and insular as she had ever done at Comfort 's university parties .
5 Luke made no move , just looked at her , his gaze one of incredulity and shock , and Robyn felt as bad as she had ever felt in her life .
6 Anna supposed that she should then have had another baby , to keep Flora company , but had found that she felt as unlike having another baby as she had once felt like it .
7 Passion had swept in then , and he had entered her , unable to help himself , clinging to her as she had earlier clung to him , and although he had been gentler than he had ever been with any other woman , she had cried out , and her face had twisted with pain , and Fergus had felt blood on his thighs .
8 She was irritated with herself for thinking like a spy , for slipping into Urquhart 's world of suspicion and conspiracy , and as she became more irritated with herself , she became sharp with her companion .
9 The trucks thumped heavily past , one by one , with slow inevitable movement , as she stood insignificantly trapped between the jolting black waggons and the hedge ; then they curved away towards the coppice where the withered oak leaves dropped noiselessly , while the birds , pulling at the scarlet hips beside the track , made off into the dusk that had already crept into the spinney ( 4 ) .
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