Example sentences of "as he [verb] [pron] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Quigley had made sure he had stopped hitting me as soon as he heard her on the stairs .
2 As he took her on a guided tour of the eight-bedroomed mansion , the Prince asked her to organize the interior decoration .
3 ‘ I could tell he 'd been drinking as soon as he joined me on the jig .
4 ‘ All political figures are mad , ’ said Reid as he joined us on the veranda .
5 Fiver seemed to grow even smaller as he flattened himself on the hard earth .
6 ‘ You are going nowhere at all , ’ he assured her grimly , looking down at her as he sat her on the bed , her legs on top of the sheets , and she was too busy trying to make sure she did n't faint to consider how she looked .
7 ‘ Very well , thank you , ’ I answered shyly as he patted me on the head .
8 As he turned her on the dance-floor and slid his arms around her waist , a shudder of convulsive desire went through her body , and he bent his head , mouth hot against her shivering throat , to whisper thickly , ‘ I love the way you move .
9 In fact Auguste and Sid were the only volunteers and even Auguste had second thoughts as he smelt them on the gridiron .
10 The Floridante Overture nearly throws him off as he takes the corners with no evidence of concern for his own safety , but the overall effect is thrilling as he leads us on an absorbing and unexpected journey with an orchestra and cast consisting , in the main , of unknown and unpronounceable Hungarians .
11 As he set her on the floor again , Kirsty turned to Shiona .
12 ‘ Must n't forget that , ’ he commented as he set it on the table and , with a glow of pride , Mildred walked away arm-in-arm with the two most important people at the celebrations , to have a proper old-fashioned tea by the nearest bonfire .
13 He seemed perfectly at ease as he faced her on the garden bench , and his wide blue eyes reflected a certain acceptance .
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