Example sentences of "as we have [adv] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 As we 've just heard in the headlines Nottinghamshire police have taken the unusual step of releasing a recording of a girl they believe has made at least a dozen calls claiming she 's given birth .
2 One very extensive class is er is a calcium activated potassium channel , where calcium 's now activating from the inside as we 've already seen in that example I showed you early on .
3 Nor does the issue of life and death rest only with your estate , as we have well seen in the fate of those earls lately in dispute with the king 's Grace who fell into the hands of certain lawless gatherings of commoners , and were shortly done to death .
4 Nevertheless for an individual sector , as we have already seen in Section 1.3 , this need not be the case since income can exceed expenditure and vice versa .
5 As we have already seen in Chapter 1 , the proportion of the temporary labour force who consider themselves self-employed ( 15 per cent ) is rather higher than that of the workforce as a whole ( 11 per cent ) .
6 As we have already seen in the previous chapter , this conflict has also been reinforced by the social changes which have occurred in rural areas , so that disputes concerning environmental preservation often coincide with local — newcomer , rural — urban , and agricultural — industrial divisions in the rural population .
7 It leads to the Raman effect , which , as we have already seen in Chapter 5 , is many orders of magnitude less efficient than direct resonant absorption .
8 As we have already seen in chapter 1 for butane and polyethylene , steric repulsions impose restrictions to bond rotation .
9 As we have already discussed in this chapter , the case-mix accountancy developments within the RMI are still in their infancy .
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