Example sentences of "as he [vb past] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For the East German state is the realisation of the dreams of a young roofer as he grew up among the filth of the coal mines and steel mills of the Saarland in the Thirties .
2 As he swung on to the runway , he saw the Ilyushin start to overshoot , a mile from the end of the runway .
3 Ben 's heart was light as he swung along through the meadows that lay before the heights of Lulling Woods .
4 He heaved himself up , out of his day-dreaming as he had out of the bath , and took out his stamps .
5 At one meeting a chairman blithely told me as he went on to the platform that they would have the National Anthem at the end , changing his mind without consulting me first .
6 The first few days were very trying for Alan as he went on to the new regime suddenly rather than gradually .
7 Aldridge made no sign or sound as he went through to the airing cupboard to get himself a fresh towel .
8 He was also , he realized , as he went through to the hall to get Hasan 's coat , tied to the little boy in a way he could not have predicted .
9 Penry laughed as he went over to the stereo to put on a compact disc .
10 Odd , that , Mike thought as he went up to the third floor in the rattling old lift .
11 Dog at his heels as he went off down the road .
12 He must tie one end of the string to the opening of the cave and then let the ball unwind as he went down into the labyrinth .
13 We then hit him over the head with the punt-pole and paddled off out of range of his piteously outstretched hands , cackling demonically as he went down for the third time .
14 Lewis asked himself this question as he went down in the lift and crossed the arrivals hall of Terminal Two to await the exodus from Customs .
15 He saw Mariana shiver as he went back to the table and slipped the Walther into his belt .
16 Politicians were masters of the quick recovery , Trent thought as he went back to the front room .
17 He said , ‘ Well done ’ , as he went out into the street .
18 Penry put out a hand , then dropped it , and with a strangled curse turned away to stride off over the cobbles of the arcade , an arresting figure in the autumn sunlight as he went out into the street without a backward glance for the girl watching him go .
19 As he went out of the shelter , he saw two people with a barrow , a man and a woman , he says .
20 As he came up over the rise he thought he heard a beautiful song .
21 ‘ He 's coming this way , ’ said Lee who was still looking at Jack as he came up to the gate , his eyes fixed on the gun .
22 He wrinkled his nose as he came up to the other man .
23 He had been thinking about buying Lyn a kitten for her birthday , and as he came up to the great dolmen , had paused to look at it for the thousandth time , he had seen the bundle on the ground .
24 He decided to leave them to it , and as he came out on the landing he almost collided with Beryl who must have been eavesdropping .
25 ‘ I 'm seeing my way right now , ’ the driver told me , as he came out of the bar , followed by the landlady .
26 As he came out of the lavatory , Ian slammed the bathroom door behind him and went past in a wave of Old Spice .
27 ( ii ) No , he was arrested as soon as he came out of the water .
28 As he came out of the Chapel , his sons stood back to let him pass .
29 On the Tuesday morning he was whistling as he came out of the front door .
30 As he came out of the shelter of the square into the main street he was caught unawares and almost swept off his feet .
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