Example sentences of "as he [be] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I suppose Mark will call on him as he 's living in the parish ? ’
2 Christianity is about following Christ as He is portrayed in the Bible .
3 Fired with enthusiasm for the new Europe on his return flight over the North Sea , Fuhrer Kinnock , as he is known in the German press , seemed more frustrated than ever at being out of office at such a momentous time .
4 He was later to become suspicious of Maine 's motives , however , as he was to see in the glorification of contract a subtle justification of the legal institutions of capitalism , and he was to seen in Maine 's insistence on the primacy of the monogamous family an attempt to prove that this institution was beyond historical change .
5 The patient would have to have an almost normal trunk , without any associated reactions or increased spasticity as he was placed in the prone position on the plinth .
6 Out of the blue he had got a job as a mail boy in the MGM studios at thirty dollars a week , twice as much as he was paid in the toy store .
7 As my hon. Friend the Member for , Garscadden said earlier this afternoon , the Secretary of State has to rely on his Minister — the AA man , as he was described in the Financial Times .
8 Adapted in Baghdad and Cairo , cross-fertilized with the ancient medical practices of Pharaonic Egypt , Sumeria , Assyria and Babylon , Unani medicine was finally codified into a cohesive system by the great Arab scholar Ibn Sina ( or Avicenna as he was known in the mediaeval west ) .
9 Terry Wakenshaw , a veteran of 600 jumps , sustained injuries to his head , chest and right arm as he was caught in the slipstream of the Cessna 206 .
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