Example sentences of "as he [verb] [adv] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That 's the Dalestour , Sundays only into North Yorkshire , ’ the driver said as he passed hurriedly on to the next customer .
2 Her sweet words were still echoing in his ears as he came slowly back to reality .
3 As he ran miserably out of the room , Hindley and his wife laughed loudly , delighted that their plan to separate the two young people seemed to be succeeding .
4 As he drove slowly back towards the farm , Cora-Beth seemed to regain her equilibrium and , taking his cue from her , they talked lightly about Harry 's childhood with the Pritchetts .
5 He walked to his car and did not look back or glance in her direction as he drove quickly out of the drive .
6 His feet echo on the boards , a pause , then splashing and spluttering as he dives low out into the lake .
7 The sun was high and bright as he dropped gently out of the hills towards the vale , faintly misted with vapour , and saw in the far distance before him the mole-hill of Ruthyn , hunched and veiled in the smoke of its house-fires , a delicate blue flower in the sparkling folded green , with the giant hogback of Moel Famau towering beyond .
8 The muscles of his chest and forearms stood out in powerful relief as he stared incredulously down at her tense , frightened face …
9 ‘ This is a pleasant room — very charming , ’ he murmured , clearly absorbed by his own inner thoughts as he glanced idly around at the cream carpet and the matching raw silk curtains edging the windows .
10 He reviewed the situation as he gazed unseeingly out of the rain-lashed windows , at the huge bows of Titron , as she wallowed helplessly in the heaving seas .
11 ‘ You see — we did n't wake the children , after all , ’ Ross drawled , his eyes glinting with amusement as he gazed warmly down at the soft figure in his arms .
12 However , as he gazed lovingly over at his beautiful Laura , gently rocking the tiny babies in her arms , he knew that the true definition of his deep joy and delight lay in the collective noun : a pride of lions !
13 Watching him as he leaned easily back in his chair , studying the wine list , she found herself reluctantly examining his face with compulsive curiosity .
14 Tessa watched him , completely absorbed in him , as he sat wearily down at the table again , located the brown sugar among the remains of the breakfast things , and dug a spoonful out to lick at .
15 There was a tense silence as he moved slowly round behind me , breathing heavily .
16 Then she felt a wave of dizziness as he slipped right up inside her .
17 She lifted a hand to touch his cheek in wonder and joy as he smiled tenderly down at her .
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