Example sentences of "as have been [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This would be in contrast to the increased blood flow normally associated with an inflammatory response , as has been observed in ulcerative proctitis .
2 As has been argued throughout this work , the concept of culture is one which assumes the indivisibility of person and forms ( that is , with respect to material objects ) , and of being and having .
3 The University 's approach to financial planning ( as has been explained on previous occasions ) is essentially conservative , in that its systems are aimed at forecasting what funds will be available during the planning period and deciding how best to apply them to the academic priorities already identified .
4 A wider segregation , in the sense of having specialised workers for the elderly , as has been achieved in many local social work teams , is also attractive .
5 On the production side , the mark-up may be determined to achieve a post-tax target ( as has been assumed in some versions of the cost plus pricing rule ) ; and in this case the price , and hence the output , of the corporate sector would be affected .
6 The peaks also correlate with high NO 2 values , so our assumption is that in these episodes we are measuring lower-latitude air as the denitrified polar vortex moves away from the site under the influence of planetary wave activity , as has been demonstrated with previous NO 2 data .
7 However , as has been noted by several writers ( e.g. , Ballentine and Eris , 1975 ) , it is not legitimate to apply formulae derived for infinitesimal changes from a no-tax , no-distortion position .
8 Inclusion of an additional 25 amino acids on alternative forms of the α subunit could lead to further diversification of nicotinic receptors of muscle as has been noted in other ionic channels , most notably in shaker class of K channel from Drosophila ( 20 ) , and N-methyl-D aspartate ( NMDA ) receptor in rat brain ( 20a ) .
9 It will certainly not be possible to totally reconstruct all the streets of an area at a cost of up to DM 1 million/100m as has been done for single streets in the past ’
10 One should attempt to avoid the situation where your own surgeon is instructed to prepare an initial Report some 12–24 months after the accident or as has been seen in some cases , up to four years after an accident .
11 We 've had fantastic support , as has been recorded on this programme many times before , and that is still growing .
12 As has been recorded in this chapter , the principal anti-cancer drugs have been discovered either as a by-product of military research financed by government or by research in the pharmaceutical industry , much of which had its roots in research not primarily concerned with cancer .
13 Er the erm er fact of the matter was that er er as has been recorded by those less emotionally charged at that moment , I did n't flounce out of the cabinet .
14 As has been mentioned in this Report , recent research on the relationship of psychology and spirituality has shown how different personality types have different needs and preferences .
15 If full morphometric analysis were to show changes at the mild end of the spectrum of coeliac like enteropathy in the original biopsies ( as has been reported in two such patients ) this would require that the descriptive term in these cases be revised from latent to low grade or mild gluten sensitive enteropathy .
16 However , as has been reported in International Crossroads , they have been awarded the 1993 World Cup Sevens , a decision which did not meet with general approval , and as there is a rebuilding programme at Murrayfield only 38,000 fans will be able to watch the tournament on each day .
17 Sir , as has been known in other cases before you , there have been many
18 I assure the hon. Gentleman that , as and when abuses are drawn to the attention of the regulator or the prosecuting authorities , the correct action will be taken , as has been happening in recent months .
19 Or we may live to see the vines ploughed up and turned into orchards as has been happening in other areas . ’
20 They certainly would be required for an inner relief road erm to function effec as effectively as has been suggested at this E I P .
21 As has been suggested in some other epithelial cancers the oesophageal stem cells are possibly the initial target for carcinogens and therefore these cells in particular require urgent study in the future as this disease is increasing dramatically in the western world .
22 As has been suggested in this chapter , the relative autonomy of the state from the mode of production means that the jump from tendencies in the economy to a political response to those tendencies is problematic .
23 As has been suggested by earlier speakers , please pass it on through schools , colleges wherever you might be active within the movement , or through children in local schools .
24 Previous gastric surgery was not a feature of our tumour group as has been suggested by previous studies .
25 We do not know if the cause is genetic , the result of physical or mental antecedents such as infection or early childhood experiences or , as has been suggested by some observers , the outcome of growing up feeling disaffected and disenfranchised in a rejecting society which offers black people few prospects of work , wealth and the good things in life to which white people aspire .
26 To determine whether particular sequence features were found in peptides presented by HLA-B53 ( HLA-B5301 ) , as has been described for other class I molecules , we used the cell line Hmy-B53 ( ref. 55 ) : this was derived by transfection of the cell line CIR , which lacks HLA-A and -B molecules , with a genomic clone of HLA-B53. 1.5x10 10 Hmy-B53 or Hmy-B35 cells were pelleted and lysed and HLA class I molecules purified with the monoclonal antibody W6/32 ( ref. 56 ) on an immunoaffinity column as described .
27 It is not known whether there is non-integrin/integrin interactions in hepatocytes to activate integrin receptors as has been described in other cell types such as leukocytes .
28 And from Alan the new flats here , Norman helped by Dave and other members has been constructing substantial timber stroke hardboard flats although a bit heavier than the conventional canvas they will last for years and they really do provide superb sets as has been proved with all three plays presented this year .
29 Critics argue that if the probe should explode on lift-off or veer off course and re-enter Earth 's atmosphere , the batteries could be pulverised , dispersing 260,000 curies of radioactive waste — more than half as much as has been released in all nuclear tests .
30 The ideal osmotic control for ethanol is distilled water and not hypertonic glucose or saline as has been used in some studies .
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