Example sentences of "as it is not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever ‘ turns you on ’ is okay , so long as it is not connected with modern materialism or the one-God religions , like Christianity , Judaism or Islam .
2 It is possible that our finding of inappropriate staining with anti-B , and to a lesser extent anti-A , antibodies reflects non-specific binding of the antibodies to carbohydrate epitopes in biliary cells and hepatocytes , although this seems unlikely as it is not seen in other cells .
3 This method could probably be applied widely , as it is not limited to strong photodissociating systems and does not , like absorption , require a third state to which excitation is caused in the probe step .
4 In other words science is seen by Parsons to be free from social determination as long as it is not penetrated by secondary selectivity or ‘ ideology ’ .
5 Since the letting can not be conceived as existing before the event permitted gets under way , to is not used with let , just as it is not used with see because seeing can not be conceived as taking place before the first moment of the event seen .
6 Since both need/dare and the infinitive evoke potentialities , no before/after relation is felt to pertain between them and so to is not necessary for the same reason as it is not used with the modal auxiliaries .
7 I have consulted the most celebrated authors on comparative anatomy , but do not find any such structures of those parts described ; and as it is not known to you , I may presume that it has not been before taken notice of .
8 In the studies with gastrin and its analogues an often uncontrolled variable has been gastric acid secretion , although the presence of gastric acid is not essential for a colonic response as it is not abolished by total gastrectomy .
9 Caletti 's admirable attempt at removing fear , ignorance , and stigma from sexual topics is tempered slightly by his view that prostitution is ‘ disgusting ’ and that masturbation is not harmful as long as it is not indulged in more than twice a month ( my italics ) .
10 It is suitable for curtaining as it is not harmed by sunlight .
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