Example sentences of "as it [be] on [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The often surprising results of the January Old Master drawing sales in New York revealed that it is just as easy to overspend on a drawing as it is on a painting , and conversely , that despite high prices for a few grand names , drawings still remain a little understood and modestly priced field .
2 Based as it is on the north western edge of Snowdonia the centre is an ideal base for all kinds of climbing .
3 I do n't know how you normally do this for overseas payments : possibly take the rate of exchange as it is on the day of cheque request ?
4 Registration of title is no guarantee of boundaries , showing general boundaries only , although the clarity and accuracy of the filed plan ( based as it is on the Ordnance Survey ) is commonly superior to most of the plans you 'll find on the unregistered title .
5 It 's every bit as much grey men in grey suits on one side of the Commons as it is on the other , with occasional flashes of yellow from Mrs Shephard or Mrs Currie , flashes of grey sports coat from Dennis Skinner and flashes of who knows what from Sir Nicholas Fairbairn .
6 The value of EModE occasional spellings is given considerable support by the Belfast evidence , put together as it is on the basis of detailed observation of the spoken variety and real-time evidence ( Patterson , 1860 ) .
7 A word processor is a screen-based memory system which means that if you type a letter or a calculation on the visual display unit then press the print-out command , the letter or calculation will be typed exactly as it is on the screen .
8 I would respectfully agree with this comment , based as it is on the premise that the case can be brought within one or other of the paragraphs of section 82(1) .
9 It is not , however , as clear-cut in this country as it is on the continent .
10 This delightful hotel is close to the pedestrian precinct , yet as it 's on the edge of the town amidst woods and meadows , it 's an ideal start point for walks .
11 The passageway here splits into two , one branch leading to the engine sump where a cage lies jammed for ever , the other leading to where a small spiral stairway runs up from a hole in the wall , over the tunnel , to the engine room which , apart from a few acts of vandalism and the ravages of time , is very much as it was on the day it was left .
12 Oh we will protest , too much methinks , that we do not miss it , will recall the struggle , the failures , the inadequacies ; recall life as it was on the road , for a time anyhow , though I daresay soon enough out imagination will take over transforming us into giants .
13 Linked to this , a central factor in the familial ideology , was the increased ideological separation of home from work , based as it was on the withdrawal of the lady from social labour .
14 God knows how they had conjured up the planning permission for such a venture , situated as it was on the borders of Essex in a green-belt area .
15 We vote Labour because it 's our party , it 's on our side , as it was on the side of our forefathers .
16 ‘ It does n't show much sign of injury , ’ he said , ‘ but as it was on the side of the road I think it 's safe to assume it 's just one more traffic casualty . ’
17 Noreen was only older by a couple of years , but their mark was laid heavily on her , just as it was on the Rafferty regulars .
18 If she was aware of the situation as it was on the morning of 18 October 1963 she was possibly mistaken in her action .
19 Barnhorne was not quite so impressive , set as it was on the shifting , sea-threatened , marshland east of Pevensey .
20 I , er first of all I was a kind of shy wee laddie as it were on the council .
21 Her fresh-faced expression gazing as it were on the threshold of life is a poignant reminder of the passing of time and finite nature of dreams .
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