Example sentences of "as it [be] [adj] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It then becomes impossible to rank societies as more or less aggressive than one another , just as it is impossible to say that one society is more or less evil than another .
2 It is particularly suited to fantasy cakes as it is easy to use and provides a soft , smooth surface .
3 However , it is not necessary for the restraint of trade clause to be part of the main contract so long as it is possible to argue that it is referable to it or is in some other way of contractual force .
4 While third party analysis in the context of international organisations gives this distinction some validity , in other areas it is less significant , as it is difficult to assert that a State is completely foreign to the effects of an agreement to which it is not a party .
5 As it is hard to believe that even MI5 thinks there are that many subversives , spies and traitors in the country , it must keep a lot of files on innocent people .
6 It 's as unlike the usual fish-and-chippery as it 's possible to get if you 're buying from Magnet Southern 's : the lad 's even blown his brass on carpets and chandeliers .
7 Switchboard is still almost as white dominated as it was male dominated when I joined .
8 However , as it was impossible to know whether it was blow one or blow ten ( the maximum number permitted at the moment ) which drew the blood on Roy 's Dream , it did serve to underline that though the Jockey Club may be moving in the right direction , its pace of reform is still too slow , leaving it too open to criticism .
9 As it was difficult to know if one artefact or site was earlier or later than another , there was rarely any way of even estimating the time that had elapsed between the occupation of different sites , or parts of the same site .
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