Example sentences of "as the [adj] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 David Lodge , in Language of Fiction , adopts a monist stance , arguing that there is no essential difference between poetry and prose , in so far as the following tenets apply to both :
2 Closely allied to foxgloves they carry their spikes of tubular flowers for many weeks as the individual blooms open in succession from base to tip of the spikes .
3 Second , the division of labour which is the social and material basis of all organization , is itself a source of conflict , as the specific goals pursued by different sections and units frequently differ , though each presents its interests as being most compatible with those of the organization as a whole .
4 Two men were dancing , or rather standing around and twitching a little as the two boys danced around them , brilliantly , Harry noted .
5 She sighed as the two girls stood over her to kiss her good night .
6 They panicked and moved away , complaining , as the two figures walked towards them .
7 It seemed inconceivable that he was of the same race as the two vibrancers sitting near him ; inconceivable , too , that they shared his art .
8 But as the two detectives stood beside the car , the radio crackled into life .
9 On Nov. 12 , URD-PCT supporters had erected barricades in central Brazzaville , blocking the capital 's two main avenues , as the two parties called on Lissouba to accept the government 's resignation and to appoint a new prime minister from the parliamentary majority ( the URD-PCT alliance ) .
10 There were sudden shouts and the sound of hurrying feet as the two men ran on deck .
11 As the two men climb aboard the ship , Garvey 's body begins to transform into a Varga — a half-animal , half-vegetable creature armed with poison thorns and covered with coarse , white hair .
12 As the two men embark on a journey of self-discovery , the haunting music of Gigli punctuates their revelations .
13 The faces of the three nearly touched , as the two men leant over the table to hear what the woman had to say , and the woman leant over towards them so that they could hear her whisper .
14 The fire tenders were pulling away from the doomed building as the two men pounded towards them , waving them down .
15 The girls in charge of the flock of children assembled from this extension of the royal Household watched in giggling amazement as the two children fell in love .
16 It should be said , however , that Wimsatt 's treatment of the iconic properties of language is as far as the New Critics went in the direction of stylistic analysis as I have defined it ; in general they were much more interested in meaning than in forms of expression , and would have undoubtedly had scarce sympathy for Jakobson 's attempt to define the properties of poetry in purely linguistic terms .
17 The day 's preparations will begin early as the first newsmen get into position .
18 The first was the extent , if at all , to which the provisions of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 had altered the position , so far as the visitorial functions relating to disbarment were concerned .
19 Originally conceived as the joint Gabcikovo-Nagymáros project under a 1977 agreement , work on the dam was suspended after Hungary withdrew from the scheme in 1989 [ see p. 37048 ] .
20 The United States manages by and large to unite its culturally and ethnically diverse population with the American dream , and this is still a very strong factor , but this is under increasing strain as the Hispanics grow in numbers and as the ethnic minorities grow in influence .
21 As the static methods lead to more consistent values some of these can be described .
22 ‘ What we have done over the past two years is to improve on our ability to retain the ball in contact , to drive very successfully as units ( as the All Blacks found to their cost in Lille ) and to deep those drives going .
23 Then would come tea up in the parlour — winkles , usually , extracted with a pin — as the young visitors gazed around the cluttered but tasteful room with its ubiquitous red plush and velvet and its ruby glass and ornaments with glass-drop clusters .
24 The hooded attacker pounced at 11.30pm on Tuesday as the young lovers smooched inside their car at the Farley Mount beauty spot near Winchester .
25 Anny Evason 's atmospheric evocation of the Piazza del Erbe , with its salamis , live chickens , fruit barrow and cafe tables , is spectacularly wrecked as the young bloods go to it in the first of Terry King 's convincing fights .
26 Instead , as the Financial Times reported at the time , Ford was making more money out of currency trading than it was from selling cars .
27 Lindsey watched , fascinated , as the strong hands moved with surprising gentleness .
28 Chemicals trading results are likely to remain depressed , particularly in the European cracking and polyethylene businesses , as the low margins seen at the end of 1992 persist into 1993 .
29 She might not have been as glamorous as the great vessels loaded with equally glamorous cargo , but she was just as important in her own way .
30 Matches at neutral venues , on the other hand , often have charged atmospheres as the contesting clubs bring along five or six thousand supporters and create the sort of scene we expect from cup semi-finals .
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