Example sentences of "we may [verb] [prep] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Be with them in peace so that we may remain with our family and children in peace .
2 If we women catch sight of them , we may discover to our alarm that , given suitably tempting circumstances , we would be quite capable of scheming by unscrupulous means to take another woman 's husband , or to gain power in a business situation .
3 Where we may boast of our striving for perfection , Jesus had only humility .
4 It is considerably harder to characterise the form of exchange at a local level , although we may hypothesise about its nature on the basis of the organisation viewed through alternative forms of evidence .
5 Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best ; but God disciplines us for our good , that we may share in his holiness .
6 Benjamin , we may say to his credit , seems to have taken to Curry Rivel like a fish to water , and would stay there until the day he died .
7 Given the constraints placed upon officials by formal rules and regulations we may wonder to what extent there is the opportunity for officials to express personal qualities .
8 We are readily persuaded to postpone any criticisms we may have of his mode of telling the story , and the next two lines make it clear that the tale is only there to bring out a moral .
9 To gain that knowledge means we must not be afraid of what we may uncover within our nature in this process of self-analysis .
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