Example sentences of "we are [adj] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We have been evaluating SuperSparc capabilities for high-performance commercial application environments , and we are impressed with the results , ’ said Andrew Roberts , managing director of ICL 's mid-range systems division .
2 This shows that we are accountable for the collections . ’
3 Sir Matthew Goodwin , the chairman , said : ‘ We are delighted with the figures and face the future with confidence . ’
4 We are delighted with the results so far , especially the performance , which stands up to comparison with the rest of the sports car world .
5 BAIE member Bernadette Mayhew , of Surrey-based Stuart Hyslop Editorial Services , who has been responsible for producing Frontline since its launch four years ago , said : ‘ We are delighted with the results of the survey .
6 Thus , on one side we are bombarded with deliberate stimulation by commercial and ultra-permissive interests while on the other we are subject to the cannonades of the ultra-moral , the repressed and the repressive .
7 On the one hand , as we saw in the last chapter , we are uncertain about the limits of our own species .
8 We are pleased with the services from west Yorkshire and south Yorkshire which terminate at King 's Cross .
9 ‘ As auctioneers we are pleased at the prices .
10 Captain George Sutherland , director of marine operations for Shetland Island Council , said : ‘ The proposals for traffic separation should go a long way to providing protection for the adjacent coastline and we are content with the measures . ’
11 We shall also be supported by the National Display Team and teams from Essex , Herts , Kent and Surrey and we are grateful for the contributions .
12 We are grateful for the contributions of the German Government , the Japan Festival and Belfast 1991 .
13 We are grateful to the adults who were kind enough to participate in the survey and to those working in educational guidance who helped identify our sample .
14 We might believe we are helpless in the arms of fate/God/luck , or that we have control of our own destiny .
15 We have made it clear that we are disappointed at the figures revealed in the latest survey by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys of tobacco consumption by young people .
16 After the 24 hour media coverage of the Gulf War we are accustomed to the pictures which brought war ‘ into our homes ’ .
17 This will help to create the state of deep relaxation in which we are open to the ideas and images we will put on the tape with our own voice .
18 As educators , we are concerned with the characteristics of both learners and their environments .
19 This is because we are concerned with the ways genes come together in groups , and then separate again .
20 Director Katherine Hughes said : ‘ We are concerned at the results of the survey .
21 However , an overall sense of direction will be determined by the extent to which we are happy with the answers given .
22 Answer guide : The point being illustrated here is that although we have been told the finite life of the machine and we are aware of the reasons for the loss in utility we still have to make estimates of when the machine will cease to be useful .
23 However , we are aware of the concerns that have been expressed about the system as compared with the arrangements in England and Wales , where appeals are made to valuation and community charge tribunals .
24 It is obvious that the more we are aware of the feelings , the more we understand about the filter and the better placed we are to minister to an individual 's needs .
25 We are aware of the opportunities before us through our different communication professions and institutions .
26 We are aware of the implications of this recommendation regarding the moderation of assessment , but urge that alternative means of establishing common standards of oracy should be explored ( in line with current developments in GCSE oral assessment ) ;
27 But now that we are free from the constraints of big business , we have a major opportunity to develop our own ideas .
28 I 'm sure that there was some cash left from the bond scheme with the number of people that subscribed , on top of that we are fourth in the gates league with nearly 38000 on saturday agianst THEM .
29 As mentioned in chapter 2 , we are indebted to the Egyptians for our present division of the day into twenty-four hours , although the Egyptian hours were not of equal length , since at all times of the year the periods of daylight and darkness were each divided into twelve hours .
30 We are indebted to the Sports Council for providing financial assistance for the purchase of bolts , stakes and abseil chains and sledgehammers .
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