Example sentences of "we would [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I , I should think we 'd probably have good people going ,
2 I knew that both picture books and bookshops came in all shapes and sizes , but I naively assumed we 'd simply conquer that hurdle with some stunning innovative design .
3 We 'd rather lose some riders than have any dissatisfied because they chose the wrong holiday .
4 Then we 'd again pace 100 yards , counting the paces and the time it took , so that we could do dead reckoning on our march in .
5 So instead of those two , we 'd , we 'd do that first , as you 've done it and then instead of those two we 'd just write two A B. So it 'll come to A squared plus two A B plus B squared .
6 Would we need , we 'd also need some kind of refreshments and er we 'll have to make a decision about lunch .
7 But where I am is in something of a dilemma , because if we do n't recruit anybody now it seems to me unlikely that we will actually manage to reduce our times , that would in tern would mean we 'd actually want more staff next year erm , so I have set out a series of options .
8 Erm paragraph twenty one , we 'd certainly oppose any move to give local authorities the right to cease homes of travellers erm especially in view of the shortage of the good pitches I that is just totally and I do n't think that that 's on , I hope we can oppose that .
9 Let's get rid of the T U C itself in its present form , then we 'd really save some money wo n't we ?
10 If things went well , we 'd get our investment back in five years , with a handsome profit as well , and we 'd still have effective control of a hotel which we could continue to operate as part of our group .
11 And if if this was covered up here I E this this black dot was say made white let's say , we 'd only have two matching and if that was made white we 'd have one and then if we changed at all that top row we 'd have zero matching .
12 If we would just organise those leads once and for all , and essentially , erm the leads belong to the video recorders rather than the monitors , and if those somehow were attached , if we could at least tie them together or whatever
13 We would also welcome any suggestions you may have on subjects that might be included in the programme .
14 We would also like former pupils of the school , both locally and from more distant parts , to visit us during the celebrations , he said .
15 We would thus have primary responsibility to ensure that the advertisement is factually accurate .
16 We would generally issue these advertisements as agent for the vendor .
17 Being a property tax — there is not now any contention between the two main parties about that — we can either tax the kind of house and say , for example , that all three-bedroom properties shall be taxed the same , in which case my hon. Friends should be aware that we would soon have tremendous anomalies as the same tax is placed on a Mayfair flat as is put on a flat in a mining village , or we can have regional banding , and then there must be boundaries between regions .
18 The Policyholder may move to a guest house or hotel but we would only pay reasonable accommodation costs , commensurate with the standard of the existing accommodation .
19 He did say that with the mass attendance at around about nine hundred that we would only get one priest
20 In these early days Highlander worked with people in what we would now term industrial relations and workers ' education .
21 Woods has outlined some of the constraints that appear to induce survival-based patterns of teaching in the secondary school system — the raising of the school-leaving age ( to which we would now add growing youth unemployment ) , which encourages staying-on among those not otherwise especially enamoured of their school experience ; the persistence and extension of 16+ examinations against which teachers ' own success will be judged ( more of this later ) ; continuing high levels of class size and teacher-pupil ratios that make individualized treatment and small-group work difficult ; and declining levels of resources , which make experimentation and adjustment of learning tasks to individual needs problematic and leave teachers in the position of having to rely on their own personal resources for managing the class .
22 Early workers concentrated on destroying the immature aquatic stages in their breeding places using what we would now call environmental management .
23 Short of actually achieving this , it is hard to imagine how we would then perceive social relations , and what sort of responses would seem appropriate to the actions of others .
24 If the Scottish NFU had only half the fight of the Ayrshire farmers we would really see some action . ’
25 But Doreen was fine afterwards , I mean that 's something else that we 're very careful about , we , we would never show any clips where people are really hurt .
26 Eliot observed how he would take a word ‘ and squeeze and squeeze it until it yielded a full juice of meaning which we would never suppose any word to possess ’ .
27 There 's stll Rocky and Tinkler in the wings , Wallace can play wide on either side and Speed can play in the middle , so we would still have enough cover .
28 And D is part of what Michael is saying , it gives the chair , vice-chair , opposition liaison member the discretion to allow for usually natural disasters , and we would obviously want that discretion with your support .
29 We would therefore favour complete independence rather than full integration as a " sub-unit " into the comprehensive system .
30 We at the at the initia erm the initial opening as well we 've we would er er offer an invitation to the press and the media to attend our launch meeting er from from this we would hopefully get some advertising in as much as apply to erm and er hope t to get X amount of the market .
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