Example sentences of "we have [verb] back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And something 's changed in the intervening time , I mean I know there 's aggravation and times are hard , I know we 've cut back on the hours and the rest , but there 's a lot of things that are n't good .
2 We 've gone back to the old gods , in defiance to the Church . ’
3 The big improvement with the council tax is that we 've gone back to the old system which is 100% rebates for those classified on low income .
4 You 'd better keep your mouth shut , by the way , after we 've gone back to the department .
5 we 've gone back to the others though now yes , we get
6 time we 've come back with a need-to-be-paid is n't it ?
7 Then again for reasons of established cultural preference we had to go back to the Audit Commission and ask them to translate £6.358 million into ‘ real men ’ , for we had difficulty in trying to sell such an alien concept to the police mind .
8 After lunch we did a bit more skiing and then we had to go back to the hotel .
9 And we went to one temple and it got dark whilst we were there , it was called the Monkey Temple , and it 's just so many monkeys around , and they just are allowed to run wild , but by the time we got back to our bikes it was dark and we had to cycle back in the dark without any lights on these unlit , unmade roads and that was quite frightening really .
10 On the far side of it stood a village of longhouses , much like the ones we had left back on the coast , except that these were entered by round doors instead of the normal rectangular ones .
11 We had driven back to the village and had just turned off the road on to the In Salah track .
12 We had come back like the full circle of our route , intact .
13 We had to stand back from the edge of the pavement as their wheels splashed along the teeming gutters .
14 The unpredictability remains even when we have read to the end of the couplet. even when we have processed both lines of the couplet , our understanding will not be complete until we have gone back over the lines from the viewpoint of their relationship .
15 Not only did the existence of a divided society help fuel party tensions under William and Anne , but taking the longer perspective covered by this book as a whole , it might even be fair to suggest that the emergence of the party divide amongst the political elite was itself a symptom of the bitter divisions that already existed in this society , divisions which we have traced back to the Restoration in 1660 .
16 We have to go back to the city . ’
17 We have to go back to the first quarter of 1986 to see such a low figure for construction output per person in the past decade .
18 We have to get back to a position where investors want to invest in unquoted companies and believe they 're still getting a good return , but I do n't think that will be the 30% they might have been promised . ’
19 We have slipped back to a state of affairs which would be intolerable even in Naples . ’
20 We have to look back to the first quarter of 1988 to see a time when construction output was so low .
21 We have linked back to the Education Reform Act 1988 for several reasons .
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