Example sentences of "we [vb base] [not/n't] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She claims this is a code word for ‘ we do n't expect it to be widely used . ’
2 And he added : ‘ We do n't want him at the club and if I have anything to do with it , he 's not coming back at all . ’
3 At a separate news conference , Sugar was in equally confident mood , telling reporters : ‘ We do n't want him at the club and if I have anything to do with it , he 's not coming back at all . ’
4 We do n't want him to be compromised . ’
5 We do n't want him to be sick now . ’
6 Well , if you do n't want them on , that 's the whole problems of obviously saying , erm , in fact , we do n't , if we do n't want them on a disk at all , we do n't have to have them .
7 President-elect Clinton , in the second day of his barnstorming session on the economy in Little Rock , Arkansas said of the IBM cut-backs ‘ That kind of investment is the exact thing we do n't want them to be cutting . ’
8 We do n't want them to be with us .
9 We do n't want them around us . ’
10 Remember , she thinks you 're the King and we do n't want her to be angry with him , do we ? ’
11 We do n't want you over there too .
12 We do n't want you to be neglected , ’ I told him for the umptieth time .
13 We should actually be pushing saying for those Health Ser Service erm workers and also people in the public who are not doing that , not a case of , we do n't want you to and this is a case against it , although that 's strong .
14 You know I mean because all the people that have come to show support and er solidarity have done it er I mean we 've been very aware you know the quarry men have actually said you know no we do n't want you to actually block the land rovers we do it our own way and erm you know there 's been no out of control mass picketing or violence or anything like that .
15 We do n't want you to be a graphic arts expert or a copy expert we have plenty of those back at head office
16 We do n't want you on tape .
17 Fuck off we do n't want you on the tape .
18 That 's why we push your sleeves up cos we do n't want it on your arms do we ?
19 We do n't have a in our business as many other retailers do where for instance after Christmas may be and other such things to clear we do n't have that , so there is n't any merchandise that 's been sold since Christmas that has been sold because we do n't want it to be in the inventory post year end it 's it 's just generating trade by being discount price left so therefore to a certain amount your question would be has the post Christmas and it was pre Christmas no material difference we 're very satisfied with the gross margins since Christmas we have n't had to take any extraordinary measures to generate this erm this level of sales increase that 's being achieved at constant margin a flat margin
20 Erm you know , five years hence , we do n't want it in five years hence , we want it the end of this year , early next year .
21 We do n't eat it with knives do we ?
22 She said when you came and I rang to confirm it all she said you 're very lucky because he agreed thirteen pounds and we do n't do it for under fifteen pounds now .
23 We do n't do it for any other section of society , and these people are not poor .
24 We 've got ta be careful that in er using that sheet , we do n't do it in such a way as to bully and turn off the customer by saying , by the way , you 'd better make sure you 've done this , this , this , this and this , cos I 'm not doing it .
25 I just would suggest that we do n't do it in this committee .
26 We do n't tell them of the major side effects for fear of losing them ’ Field worker , Kenya
27 ‘ I know it said in the paper that Germany was prosperous because of all the armaments they make , but we do n't make them in Liverpool . ’
28 Oh no we do n't make it from scratch , we just do the you know the m main machining
29 We do n't keep them in the house . ’
30 No , we do n't have her till Friday now .
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