Example sentences of "we [verb] [that] it [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Due to the restrictions imposed by the airlines and the railways , we regret that it is not possible for passengers to take their own bikes .
2 We agreed that it was indeed a fine day — a perfect day .
3 We repeat that it is not the intention to advocate a standard curriculum for all secondary schools to the age of 16 , not least because that would be educationally naive .
4 There may perhaps be properties which are evidence-transcendent , by which we mean that it is always possible that they be absent even though we have the best possible evidence of their presence .
5 However that may be , we suggest that it is more important to have committed members than representative ones , and in this regard our evaluation of the Coordinating Team is very positive .
6 But how do we know that it is vocationally advantageous to study history or to put it the other way round , that to study history is not vocationally disadvantageous ?
7 We doubted that it was technically possible , or that there would be a niche for such a business , but they proved us to be wrong and that was the beginning of the launch of Tactel , our highly successful family of fibres for leisurewear , the ICI record campaign , and so many more besides .
8 " The food web is so isolated from anything we consume that it is not going to affect people " , she added .
9 In the original report , however , we noted that it is not difficult to design , manufacture and market simple chip-based handhelds , especially straightforward spellcheckers .
10 We accept that it is not the function of the planning system to preserve existing commercial interests or to inhibit competition between different methods of retailing .
11 Having firmly rejected this device for the other adjective constructions discussed so far ( not excluding the postnominal attributive ) , we consider that it is only in Sections 4.5 onwards that we have encountered a construction where the adjective can reasonably be treated in this way .
12 In the same fashion , Kant maintained , the nature of our knowledge can not be understood if we assume that it is simply fed into us from outside ourselves , and that we are merely passive recipients of information from the world around us .
13 We assume that it is enough that the new way will prove better than the old way once it has been tried for some time .
14 ‘ In our party we know that it is not the State that builds the success of a Nation .
15 It is not always in the right and we know that it is not .
16 We know that it is fairly uncommon for adult relatives to share households today : only 12 per cent of households contain three or more adults and not all of these will involve relatives sharing ( Social Trends , 1988 , p. 36 , table 2.2 ) .
17 But banks unfortunately do charge , negotiating fee and then interest at exciting rates , erm solicitors will do it sometimes , we 've done it for clients where we know that it 's not too large an amount and we know that there are assets easily obtained because that way the client saves the banks administration fee .
18 I do n't recall , well in fact I 'm being sarcastic because I know for a , we know that it was n't in the manifesto for nineteen ninety two .
19 Most conductors of my generation have to go through different experiences before we understand that it 's not the main thing in the world to conduct all American orchestras .
20 A now famed example of the former ( and we understand that it is now denied by Rolls Royce ) is that the Rolls Royce Silver Shadow was nearly called the Silver Mist which would have been most unfortunate when selling to the German market .
21 In relating everyday experience of consensus pressures to the overarching priority of economic growth , we find that it is not only the state that constructs their operation .
22 ‘ Although we consolidate using spreadsheets at the moment , we find that it is quite a lot of hard work , ’ says finance director Mark Nabakov .
23 But when we examine exactly which books are being read , we find that it is usually books first encountered as TV programs or movies .
24 In this corpus we find that it is very rare for an ellipsis to occur without a linguistic antecedent , and in those cases where one does , it is usually for special effect .
25 And as we believe that erm the earth and the sun were formed at the same time , so we 're starting to know a lot more about the original material from which the sun and the earth were formed , and here we find that it 's just full of prebiotic molecules which we did not know beforehand and therefore puts a different perspective on what we think the earth 's early atmosphere might have been .
26 Mannerism is usually seen as an RCA development ; but once again we find that it was already developing during the Sun period , notably in ‘ Baby Let's Play House ’ ( 1955 ) .
27 Says Dana Stuchell at Trans-Species , ‘ We believe that it 's morally wrong to alter the genetic material of species .
28 We believe that it is not fair , it is not practical , and it will not stand the test of time .
29 For our part , we wish to step back from philosophical issues , not because they are totally irrelevant but because we believe that it is not necessary , from a sociological research point of view , to take them up .
30 Even if Westminster were to realise its folly in being a signatory to the Agreement , we believe that it is too late to accept continuing Westminster domination and their future treacherous schemes for our land .
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