Example sentences of "we [verb] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We goin' take these politician' , leetle dog , an' we goin' put them in one beeg hole so they don' come back .
2 That gives us the potential of raising two thousand pounds , because we intend to sell them for one ninety nine .
3 Although we have tried to express these scientific impulses fairly , we hereby give notice that we intend to question them in later chapters .
4 They 've now taken the ramps out , which is a breach of the planning condition again , so we intend to pursue them on that , and they are offering , believe it or not that disabled people can be taxied from one side of the station to the other side of the station .
5 any comment about the s the sort of format of the table show do we want to change them at all
6 People who think like me are simply protesting against the Government 's action in a perfectly legitimate way — we think they 're wrong to attack Egypt and we want to stop them before any further damage is done .
7 But we feel so ill at ease with silence that we want to fill it with endless clatter and talk about ourselves .
8 Tallis invokes Frege 's distinction between ‘ The Morning Star ’ and ‘ The Evening Star ’ , which are different expressions with different senses or meanings , as would be apparent if we tried to translate them into another language , but they have the same referent ( the planet Venus ) .
9 We 've been criticised for bringing him in so late but we tried to bring him in earlier .
10 Jesus , if you knew how hard we tried to get her off that damned powder . ’
11 The first thing I thought of was that we 'd offended them in some way we did n't know — done a terrible insult to their gods or something .
12 Er and that er in my view anyway demonstrated that we 'd got it about right in terms of our assessment of the effects of the Southern Bypass .
13 We forgot to put it in last night anyway .
14 We begin to ask him for more of his love to love him more .
15 How we going to do it with these shoes on ?
16 We began sorting them into different area sizes as we were getting confused with those we had and did n't have .
17 Such examples lead on to Nagel 's definition of moral luck : ‘ Where a significant aspect of what someone does depends upon factors beyond his control , yet we continue to treat him in that respect as an object of moral judgment , it can be called moral luck .
18 We never did persuade them , but for six valuable hours we managed to hold them on that course far out into the Flores Sea , until finally they came to their senses , noticed the distant and almost invisible shore , and hurriedly tacked towards it again .
19 That 's what this house is here for , it is here to introduce primary legislation if we need it and in my view we do need it in this area and it is it 's high time the government recognised that and should not be afraid t t t to take action simply because primary legislation is required .
20 And this is a way for to fill up our purse Although we do get it with many a curse And the poem ends : Then hay for the Clothing Trade , it goes on brave ; We scorn for to toyl and moyl , nor yet to starve .
21 It was supposed to take three to five days , but we aimed to do it in two .
22 but all of which are gone and we 've replaced them with these since many , you know , quite a few years ago , er we bought one utility suite from an engineer who was going to Rhodesia and that 's in our second bedroom still it 's , well the bed is but the
23 We 've kept her for bloody eighteen years !
24 And it 's already I mean we 've we 've kept it in prime condition , painted with company colours .
25 Alright if we 've done it in this quarter
26 The guard smiled , ‘ It 's Charlotte and the boy , we 've seen her on many occasions .
27 But , we 've seen them on this side as well !
28 We do see the problems we 've seen it at both ends the goalkeepers have when people chase a lost cause like Rozario 's just done there .
29 Er , the cash flow is slightly crowded and to we 've split it into two slides .
30 We need we need four like that four quarters that 's good and then for each one of those when we 've cut it in two it would give us two of the new pieces so every one of those four would give us two new pieces how many would we have altogether then ?
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