Example sentences of "his [noun pl] and [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Undressing quickly , he cleaned his teeth and flopped into bed .
2 By the close of the first day , though , they had lost Broad , and Pat Pocock , going in as nightwatchman , had told the England physiotherapist Bernard Thomas that he had cleaned his teeth and gargled in case Thomas had to give him the kiss of life .
3 This practically ruined him but rather than take the easy way out and declare himself bankrupt , he called a meeting of his creditors and asked for time to pay .
4 He slipped a hot crumbling piece of fish into his mouth , placed the warm bag of chips on his knees and turned to page 11 .
5 Then Buddie had slapped his thighs and bellowed with laughter as the biggest bin overturned and its slimy contents rushed towards Frankie in an oozing wave .
6 He leaned back on his heels and looked at Willie .
7 He clicked his heels and bowed to Lexandro briefly , though ceremoniously .
8 As the campaign progressed , his rallies became increasingly visionary and evangelical as he narrowed his eyes and gazed at horizons no one else could see .
9 He closed his eyes and bayed in anguish .
10 He licked his lips and looked at Bodo who , grim-faced , shrugged .
11 At last he closed his books and went to bed .
12 Born of noble family in territory controlled by the Burgundians , he left his parents and went to LĂ©rins , where his ascetism was too severe for his health .
13 He got to his feet and walked on tip-toe to the kitchen door , where he pressed his face close to the crack , listening for any sound that might tell him what to expect .
14 Then he got to his feet and glared at Sam McAggott .
15 He twisted himself to his feet and looked in amazement at the girl standing above him .
16 Adam leaned down and stroked the pale ginger fur ; the cat curled up against his feet and went to sleep .
17 He knew that if he gave vent to his feelings and shouted at Jonna , it would upset Annie .
18 John zipped up his waterproofs and turned towards Karen .
19 Michael , still in the saddle , stood in his stirrups and yelled with exultation , kicking on the slowing pony for a few more strides .
20 He could not stand from a sitting position without using his arms and walked with difficulty unsupported .
21 He stopped swinging his arms and stood with hands on hips , looking at her , his head and shoulders heaving .
22 He rubbed his hands and looked at Peter .
23 To my amazement he covered his face with his hands and burst into tears .
24 Corbett gathered the reins in his hands and leaned towards Ranulf .
25 He lifted his eyebrows and sighed with irritation .
26 He jumped out of bed , threw on his clothes and ran up Norcombe Hill , to his fields near the chalk-pit .
27 The doctor stopped packing away his instruments and looked at Sarah sternly .
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