Example sentences of "his [noun pl] [coord] [noun] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 Lam 's biography seems tailor-made for todays ' infatuation with multiculturalism : he was born in Cuba to a Chinese father and a Creole mother , he was a Roman Catholic fascinated by Santeria ( Cuban animism ) , his studies and work took him to France , Spain , the United States and the Caribbean , and each of his three wives came from a different European country .
2 As opinion polls and other reports showed de Gaulle 's support slipping — from a high of sixty-nine per cent before the campaign to forty-three per cent on the eve of the elections — his advisers and ministers urged him to enter the fray .
3 His friends and colleagues gave him a cut glass sherry decanter and group pensions manager , , complemented this gift with matching sherry glasses .
4 His friends and colleagues gave him a memorable send off and presented him with binoculars ( for his bird watching ) , a leather writing case ( so that he can drop us a line from far off places ) and a couple of brandy glasses ( empty — unfortunately ) .
5 The Haldane partisan , Morris , moreover , said openly that he defied Captain Cunningham and all his friends and supporters to remove him again from the town .
6 In May 1990 the story was circulated that Lowe 's increasingly bizarre behaviour had his friends and family urging him to seek help .
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