Example sentences of "his [noun sg] was on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd explained that his sister was on the pumps at the Smiling Service Filling Station , even though it was Good Friday .
2 He had to shave , grey bristles ; for Parker had gone bald suddenly ( and very young , a terrible fright , he had awoke one morning , all his hair was on the pillow ) and his wigs — he had three , short to long to shaggy ; the ploy , he hoped , visits to the barber — were black for blue .
3 Which was okay when he was younger ; his mother , she had helped him choose his first wigs ( even if he could not tell her the cause of his fright , all his hair was on the pillow ) .
4 Ferguson , for his part , can now look any supporter of his club in the eye and say that Gough having to commit the foul that debarred him from a Cup-tie verified the youngster 's ability to put an awkward pre-match situation out of his mind and play in a determined way that suggested his temperament was on the mend .
5 He was a good soldier , but his marriage was on the rocks .
6 As Faraday went deeper into electromagnetism , he began to leave his contemporaries behind ; his work was on the boundary between inductive experimental science and deductive physics , and failed to fit easily into either category .
7 Since the departure of Miss Harker he had become more surly than before and his drinking was on the increase .
8 Meanwhile , Frano Botica helped himself to 24 points , two tries and eight goals , as Wigan beat French champions , Carcassonne 52–0 — and then admitted his job was on the line .
9 And er , since then he come back , he got a job his name was on the board , he said , oh it 's lovely seeing your name on the board , the head , er , and in two subjects !
10 His name was on the voters ' list as occupying Moat Hall , the small mansion Burden had found deserted , but plainly he had left it months before .
11 ‘ Supposing for instance someone came and said they were Mr Unwin , you would check that his name was on the list and let him in ? ’
12 Though he might seem a minor political nuisance , his name was on the list of those to be rounded up and interned .
13 His name was on the list of H. H. Asquith ( later first Earl of Oxford and Asquith ) , had the prime minister been forced to create new Liberal peers in 1911 .
14 The root cause for her worry , for her looking back instead of forward , was her dear brother Sebastian and how , a week ago , as casual as could be , considering his name was on the mortgage agreement the same as hers , she had received a postcard from him .
15 The spokeswoman added : ‘ The man was found on the front doorstep and the body of his wife was on the floor of the living room .
16 In the closing rounds Eubank , sensing that his title was on the line , dropped the facade of arrogance that had earlier been his hallmark .
17 His jacket was on the floor .
18 His nephew was on the floor , blood trickling from his temple .
19 Schofield found them a rehearsal room at Middleton Cricket Club where his father was on the committee .
20 His note-book was open in front of him and his helmet was on the table .
21 His address was on the theme of " What to read — when to read — how to read . "
22 His pipe was on the table .
23 The golden fillet and the richness of his dress and his harness were all he carried that would identify him , for his banner was on the Forth and his pennant had long since gone .
24 When his hand was on the knob she said :
25 Alec Carlisle , the leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats — who gained half as much again in terms of votes as PC — vetoed the deal , making it clear his position was on the line .
26 ‘ The young man you saw merely exchanged a few words in English with me , and his arm was on the back of the seat — not cuddling me !
27 The prime focus of his speech was on the need to achieve population control in the third world by tackling poverty and child mortality and by improving education and the prospects for women .
28 He says that his family was on the ferry , there but for the grace of God go his family .
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